운전면허 벌점 소멸 Driver’s license demerit points

If you are cracked down on various traffic violations such as speed violations and signal violations, you will accumulate fines and demerit points. Accumulating demerit points may result in license suspension or license revocation. The demerit points accumulated for traffic violations can be reduced and eliminated through the method of removing demerit points from the … Read more

삼성카드 할부수수료 2022 Samsung Card Direct new car installment (card installment, auto installment)

The shipping price was earlier than expected, so I was in a hurry to find out about this and that, but fortunately, the dealer took great care of it, so everything was confirmed in a week hehe ​ I didn’t know that, but they usually say that you have to pay the credit card fee … Read more

횡단보도 우회전 단속 Crosswalk right turn enforcement

hello! The amended Road Traffic Act will come into effect on July 12, 2022. Let’s take a look at the standards and punishment rules for right-turning at crosswalks, a hot issue among drivers. From the conclusion, it can be summarized as “stop for a while”. Reasons for stopping right turns at crosswalks For the safety … Read more

삼성 국민행복카드 How to apply for the National Happiness Card… Voucher support amount, Benefang Samsung Card

Samsung Card pregnancy congratulations box very, very late today I would like to post a review of receiving the baby kit! ​ It’s been two months since I received it, but I have to post an unboxing post that I’ve been putting off day after day due to morning sickness and corona virus! Looking at … Read more

삼성카드 재발급 My Samsung Card/Samsung Card 4/Spare Card/I got confused and reissued

Today, I would like to introduce how to use the Samsung Card Customer Center. If you use a credit or debit card in your name issued through a credit card company, you will often find yourself using the customer center unexpectedly. ​ Of course, it would be convenient and efficient to use the mobile application, … Read more