NBTI 의미 및 유형 무료테스트 할 수 있는 곳 NBTI Meaning and Types Where to Test for Free

Hello, this is Songdaegukbap 🙂

Today, I would like to introduce you to the new NBTI following MBTI.

I made it easy to see by card news 🙂


First of all, NBTI is an abbreviation for Newtro Best Type Indicator.

It’s called a psychological test that tells you the tendency and space of my newtro that combines newness and retro 🙂

Just listening to it sounds like a lot of fun

I’ll start right away

NBTI 의미 및 유형 무료테스트

​NBTI 의미 및 유형 무료테스트

First of all, question 1 was a question that asked what kind of conversation style! I tend to have calm conversations, and I get tired when I talk loudly hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

No. 2 asked if I was going to go to an old restaurant on the way, but I think I will go in unconditionally.

For clothing, prefer monochromatic colors rather than bright styles.

on the side

Of course, pizza and pasta are delicious, but I like that the soup and rice are so clean ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Just thinking about it makes my mouth water!

It seems that the creator of NBTI is well known.

If I don’t know a new word, I feel like I’ve become an old man hahaha So I tend to look it up unconditionally.

A cozy long-established store where you can play comfortably rather than a restaurant

I prefer it 🙂

Of course, there are cheaper ones in terms of price.

When stress builds up, it doesn’t work out if you try to actively solve it!! Stress seems to be relieved better when I am still and resting.

I think of home as a cozy resting place.

The interior is monotone, giving a calm and comfortable feeling.

I want to decorate 🙂

I tend to prefer older songs rather than newer ones.

I tend to prefer period dramas rather than fantasy ones.

When I was doing the test, I decided to take it seriously hahahahaha More serious than when taking the test is a trap… .

The library is so quiet that I couldn’t study well. A cafe with some noise was good for studying. Of course, studying is difficult anywhere hahahahahahahahahaha

If I had gray hair, I think I would dye it a calm color again!! I’m not a person who likes to draw attention, so I think if I dye my hair in a popping color, I’ll draw too much attention hahahaha

I have Hong Gil-dong hyung 🙂

The point of finding a hip place is completely the same as mine!!!!

When I go out to eat or go to a cafe, I don’t go anywhere

I tend to go to places with an atmosphere.

Not many questions, but very good

The result came out hahahahahahahahahahahaha

He also recommended a place in Jongno that suits my type, so I’ll have to visit it next time!!

There are a total of 6 types, but the lump-beaked old man, who is compatible with me, prefers shops with music.

Seokbong Han says he prefers a quiet and relaxing atmosphere.

Nolbu says he prefers restaurants that are expensive but taste good 🙂

He is a hyung full of flex hahahaha

I like the hip place that came out as my type

Hong Gil-dong is also there.

Chun-hyang hyung, a delightful girl who likes emotional stores that bring back memories, and

Even Janggeum hyung who prefers the unique atmosphere and taste of the store!!!

There are many interesting types hahaha

Go by bus or subway

If you take a moment to relax

I think you can get interesting results 🙂