KCP 결제내역 KCP payment history

Mobile phone payment goes through a simple user verification process, such as entering a password, recognizing a fingerprint, or drawing a pattern. It’s nice that it’s simple, but I’m also worried that someone else will steal it or the wrong amount will be paid without my knowledge. Please self-check through KCP automatic billing history inquiry and cancellation method.


KCP 결제내역


Check KCP automatic billing payment details KCP 결제내역
NHN KCP transaction details inquiry
※ Go to the KCP homepage 좋은뉴스



If you receive a text message saying that the amount payment has been completed through KCP under the name [Sent from Web], and if you do not remember paying the amount yourself, you can view the details through the KCP website, so please follow it. After accessing the homepage, click the [Transaction History Inquiry] button.





KCP-Payment Details-Inquiry-Screen
KCP automatic billing inquiry screen
Install a security program, and select a payment method first on the next page. Select and click one of the methods such as credit card, mobile phone, cultural gift certificate, or deposit without a bankbook. Then, fill in the details for your payment method at the bottom.


Since the payment method is usually [credit card], the card number, approval number, payment amount, and transaction date must be entered in order at the bottom.





Cancel KCP automatic billing payment history
Since KCP is an intermediary for payments, the system does not provide card numbers or payment approval numbers. For this reason, the approval number for each payment must be individually inquired and entered on the app or homepage of the credit card company.


Afterwards, check [Consent to the collection and use of personal information for inquiry of payment history] and click the [Inquiry] button to view information related to KCP automatic billing. Please check through which online shopping mall, how, for which transaction, and when the charge was made through NHN KCP.





Customer center individual inquiry
Part of the FAQ Q&A
However, if the payment was made through the simple payment service, KCP automatic billing information cannot be viewed in detail on the homepage. In this case, you must check the approval number through the card company you are using, and make individual inquiries by calling the KCP Customer Center [1544-8667]. Related information is organized in the FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions] menu, so please refer to it individually.





On top of the dark picture, the letter is written.
KCP automatic billing history inquiry
It can be cumbersome, but it’s always safe to check the details if you receive a questionable card statement, because if an unknown transaction has taken place, it’s best to check and correct it as quickly as possible to prevent further damage.


In the case of KCP automatic billing, users often get confused because the shopping mall name is not written on each one. As introduced in today’s post, enter the approval number/e-mail address and simply search on the KCP website.