KC 인증 정보 조회 How to view KC certification information and report non-certification

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How to check KC certification number for electricity, radio waves, and children’s products
Beopdeokhu 2022. 9. 4. 15:36
KC certification is a certification system that integrates the certifications required for each product at the national level. For example, the Electrical Appliances and Household Products Safety Management Act stipulates that in order to ensure the safety of electrical appliances used in daily life, safety standards are set for some imported or manufactured products and a certification mark is attached to indicate that they have met these standards.


In addition, various laws such as the Radio Waves Act, the Special Act on Safety Management of Children’s Products, and the Occupational Safety and Health Act have established such certification systems and indicated each certification. You will also see familiar marks. hehe


Perhaps because they judged this to be a waste of administration, they integrated the certification marks for each field into one KC certification mark.

This is the mark right below. It is commonly found in electrical appliances such as battery chargers, hand fans, and Bluetooth products.

KC 인증 정보 조회


KC Mark = Korea Certification Mark will become a national integrated certification mark. Related organizations include the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Public Administration and Security, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Employment and Labor, and Ministry of Science and ICT.


Nowadays, with the advancement of the Internet, you can check online whether the product you are using is certified.

I’ve summarized each one.


1. Electrical Appliances and Household Products Safety Management Act
Electrical appliances and household goods are regulated by the above laws.


(1) Electrical appliances

It refers to industrially produced products, parts, and accessories that are used by connecting to alternating current or direct current power. Most products that can be used by simply plugging them into an outlet are considered electrical appliances.

There are electrical items such as wires, cables, and fuses. There are washing machines, kitchen heaters, electric blankets, ice makers, clothes care machines, electric stoves, bidets, battery chargers, rechargeable batteries, lamp holders, etc.


(2) Daily necessities

It is an industrially produced product that can be used in consumers’ lives without any additional processing, or its parts or accessories.

Recycled automobile tires, gas lighters, water play equipment, BB guns, pressure pots and cookers, disposable batteries, digital door locks, skateboards, two-wheeled bicycles, treadmills, outdoor exercise equipment, hard hats, heat packs, oil heaters, hiking ropes, etc. there is. You can think of it as an item that has the potential to cause harm to people if something goes wrong.


Certification targets under the Electrical Appliances and Household Products Safety Management Act can be viewed on the Product Safety Management Institute website. If there is no certification number on the product, you should first suspect that the product is not certified. If you search using the authentication number written on the product and it does not work or it shows that a recall request has been received, this can also be considered a problem.


Go to safteykorea Product Safety Information Center




On the Product Safety Information Center main screen, go to Quick Service – Certification Information Search.

2. Special Act on Safety Management of Children’s Products
Products mainly used by children are managed separately under the Special Act on Safety Management of Children’s Products.

Even products that fall into the category of electrical appliances or household appliances are subject to this special law if they are recognized as being used by children. In general, these products are recognized as having a high risk of harm to the lives and bodies of children or damage to property due to their structure, materials, and usage methods. It is regulated for use by children under 13 years of age.


Children’s water play equipment, swings, slides, aerial play equipment, children’s BB guns, children’s textile products, pacifiers, floor mats, sports protective equipment, hard hats, children’s skateboards, children’s bunk beds, toys, children’s chairs, school supplies. , strollers, walkers, etc.


It is especially important for parents raising children to check whether the product they wish to purchase is KC certified. KC certification according to the Special Act on Safety Management of Children’s Products can also be confirmed at the Product Safety Management Information Center in 1.


3. Propagation Act
This is a propagation method that comes in almost a set when it comes to electrical appliances. The Radio Waves Act stipulates that equipment affected by electromagnetic waves must undergo conformity assessment certification. Most products that use electricity are subject to certification.


You can check whether KC certification according to the Radio Act is available on the National Radio Research Agency website.


Go to National Radio Research Institute



From the main screen, go to Business Information → Conformity Assessment System → Conformity Assessment Status Search. You can check who received the certification and when by looking up the certification number written on the product.


Good article to read together.

2022.08.19 – [Trade, Tariffs] – Differences between those subject to KC certification radio law conformity assessment, those not subject to it, and those exempted from it

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