K패스 신청 및 혜택(Kpass,K-PASS) K Pass application and benefits (Kpass, K-PASS)

Let’s learn about how to apply for the K-Pass card. The K-Pass card is a card that allows you to receive a refund of up to 53% on public transportation costs, and is being launched to ease the burden of public transportation costs on the public. The release date is said to be early starting in May.K패스 신청

A variety of cards are being released to save on public transportation costs, such as the Economical Transportation Card and the Climate Companion Card, and the K-Pass Card is a card that offers additional benefits. We will guide you through how to apply for the K-Pass card and what benefits it offers.

What is a K-Pass card?

K패스 신청

The K-Pass card is a transportation card that provides a refund of a certain percentage of the amount spent in the following month if you use public transportation such as city buses or subways more than 15 times a month. Transportation costs can be reduced by up to 440,000 won per year, and additional discounts (up to 10%) are available from credit card companies.


Summary of K-Pass card benefits

If you regularly use public transportation (city bus, subway, metropolitan bus, GTX-A, etc.) more than 15 times or up to 60 times each month, you will receive a refund for transportation expenses. Savings rates are divided into general, youth, and low-income groups.

General public: 20% refund of the amount spent
Young people: 30% refund of the amount spent
Low-income group: 53% refund of the amount spent


For example, let’s find out how much you can save if you use public transportation, which costs an average of 70,000 won per month.

General public: 14,000 won is refunded per month and 168,000 won per year is refunded.
Young people (19 to 34 years old): Receive a refund of 21,000 won per month and 252,000 won per year.
Low-income group: Refund of 37,100 won per month and 445,200 won per year.
If you look at it monthly, it may seem like a small amount, but if you look at it on a yearly basis, it is a large amount, so if you use public transportation more than 15 times a month, it is recommended that you apply. The economical transportation card had the inconvenience of accumulating mileage based on the distance traveled and having to use an app, but the K-Pass card compensates for this and I think I will use it more.



How to apply for K-Pass card
Anyone can apply for the K-Pass card. You can apply in three ways.

K Pass official website (korea-pass.kr)
Mobile App (Google Play, Apple App Store)
Card companies (Shinhan, Woori, Hyundai, Samsung, Hana, BC, KB Kookmin, NH Nonghyup, T-money, Joy of Moving, DGB U-Pay)
Apply for K-Pass card

Currently, 176 local governments are participating, and it is said that it will expand to 189 local governments before implementation in May, so it can be considered applicable to most areas. However, please note that some areas with a population of less than 100,000 are excluded.



In conclusion
This is how to apply for the K-Pass card. Public transportation costs can be a huge burden on an annual basis, so it’s nice to be able to get a discount. There are several cards, so please use the one that suits your usage pattern.