HB저축은행 주부대출Easy HB Savings Bank app, from application to subscription for deposit/savings and loan products
Search for ‘HB Savings Bank’ on Google Play Store or Apple App Store or scan the QR code to install the app.
Select a product
Select a product on the product screen
Run the Apply button
Agree to terms and conditions
Confirm HB Savings Bank’s consent form
Verify your mobile phone ID
Enter information after selecting a telecommunications company You need to prepare an ID such as a resident registration card or driver’s license
Apply for electronic finance
Required if you have not previously subscribed to internet banking, OTP or mOTP already registered with this/other bank required
Verify your own account at another bank
Transfer 1 won from your own account to the application account
Application complete
※ Existing electronic finance subscribers can skip STEP 04 Electronic Finance Application and Additional Authentication steps
– You can set up mOTP and register OTP from other institutions on the HB Savings Bank app (hereinafter referred to as the ‘mobile app’). [Mobile app > Full menu > Authentication/Security > Security medium (OTP) > mOTP settings]
[Mobile app > Full menu > Authentication/Security > Security medium (OTP) > Register other organization OTP]
– mOTP issuance: [Mobile app > Full menu > Authentication/Security > mOTP settings > Settings]
※ If already issued, you can cancel or reset it in [Mobile app > Full menu > Authentication/Security > mOTP settings] (same as new issuance procedure)
– If you have replaced another organization OTP, you can use it after registering the change in our Internet banking or mobile app. (For accounts exclusive to fixed-term deposits, you can change to mOTP on the mobile app)
[Our homepage > Internet banking > Security center > Register OTP from other institutions]
[Mobile app > All menus > Authentication/Security > Security medium (OTP) > Register OTP from other institutions]
– The OTP transfer limit is up to 100 million won per transaction and up to 500 million won per day, and mOTP is 10 million won per transaction and 50 million won per day.
Transfer limit setting: You can set a reduction/increase in [Banking management > Transfer limit management]
※ In addition to the mobile app, you can also set it on our Internet banking (reduction only) and SB Talk Talk Plus app (reduction/increase possible).
Digital Banking Customer Center (Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year) 1544-3637 | Financial fraud reporting night call center 02-3978-800