보건증 발급 Health examination results (health certificate): Gwanak-gu Public Health Center

보건증 발급home > Medical treatment and complaints > Certification > Health examination results (health certificate) ※ If you are a minor, bring your student ID + copy. ※ Results can be confirmed and (re)issued at the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s public health portal (e-health) (Go to the public health portal) ※ Treatment and examination … Read more

보건증 발급 Health certificate issuance ious purposes, such

보건증 발급 Title: Simplifying Health Certificate Issuance: Everything You Need to Know Introduction: Are you familiar with health certificates? These vital documents play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals in various important aspects of their lives. In this article, we will delve into the details of health certificate issuance, highlighting … Read more