나라사랑카드 재발급 3 ways to get your Country Love Card reissued – All the information in the world

나라사랑카드 재발급For soldiers, not being able to use PX is a pillar that sustains military life. Because it’s the same thing as disappearing. However, even if you lose your Narasarang Card, an electronic account that provides various travel expenses and salaries for active duty and reserve forces, There is no need to be disappointed. This … Read more

나라사랑카드 재발급 How to apply for reissuance of Nara Love Card (IBK Industrial Bank, KB Kookmin Bank)

나라사랑카드 재발급Hello, this is Pundon Moa Investment Tech. In the case of the Country Love Card, there are many people who think that they cannot use it after being discharged from the military. However, in the case of the Country Love Card, it can be used even after being discharged from the military, and since … Read more

나라사랑카드 재발급 How to apply for reissuance of Nara Love Card (IBK Industrial Bank, KB Kookmin Bank)

나라사랑카드 재발급Hello, this is Pundon Moa Investment Tech. In the case of the Country Love Card, there are many people who think that they cannot use it after being discharged from the military. However, in the case of the Country Love Card, it can be used even after being discharged from the military, and since … Read more