ADT캡스 고객센터 및 전화번호 ADT Caps customer center and phone number

Did you know that ADT Caps Customer Center has a separate app? Many people thought it was surprising, and there was a lot of perception that it was actually of no use, but things have improved a lot now. We will also provide information such as phone number.

ADT캡스 고객센터

ADT캡스 고객센터
<adt CAPS customer center function, phone number>

If you are using ADT Caps, whether you are an individual or a business, it is recommended that you install and use the customer center app. This is because it is useful and it is much more convenient to have this app if you want to respond quickly in an emergency situation.
▼ Download ADT Caps Customer Center ▼


ADT Caps Customer Center – Apps on Google Play
This is a service that provides expense details and contract information to ADT Caps customers.

adt caps customer center function
– You can check real-time security status
– Guard release history search function (email, fax available)
– Inquiry and modification of security emergency contact network
– Check my contract information and billing information
– Reissue tax invoice email
– Customer center phone number: 1588-6400

Even if you call the customer service center right away, the problem is resolved quickly, and in fact, if a specific problem arises, they come right away, which makes me very grateful in terms of security. Additionally, if you have any inconveniences during use, you can contact us through the A/S request menu within the app.
The customer center phone number is 1588-6400, and you can call us at any time to inquire about inconveniences or other problems. Personally, I have been using adt caps for a long time while running a billiards hall, and I have received help a few times, so I am always grateful. ^^
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