트립닷컴 고객센터 및 전화번호 Trip.com customer service center and phone number

When we travel abroad, we use brokerage sites such as Agoda or Trip.com to reserve accommodation.

If you use a brokerage site, you can get a lot of discounts and find accommodation at a lower price.

트립닷컴 고객센터

트립닷컴 고객센터

However, when you book accommodation through Trip.com, there are often cases where the accommodation is not reserved or the reservation is cancelled.

In that case, you must resolve the issue through consultation via Trip.com’s customer service phone number, chat, or email.

Please refer to this article as we have summarized the Trip.com customer service phone number and various consultation methods.

Go to Trip.com Customer Center

1. Trip.com customer service phone number
The Trip.com customer service phone number is the fastest and most accurate means of handling any problems that arise when booking Trip.com accommodations.

Trip.com operates local customer centers in various countries, and if you can speak a foreign language, it is best to use the local customer center.

If you do not speak a foreign language, we recommend calling the customer service phone number operated in Korea.

The customer center phone number in Korea is 1666-0060, and overseas it is +82-2-6917-8777.

Customer service phone numbers for each country can be found on the customer service page below.

Each country-customer center-telephone number
Each country-customer center-phone number-confirmation
Customer service phone numbers for each country
Telephone numbers operated in each country may change, so please always check through the website.

Click here to check Trip.com Customer Center phone number

2. How to consult Trip.com Customer Center
Trip.com Customer Center consultation methods include not only a landline call to the customer center number introduced above, but also email consultation and chat consultation.

The method of counseling through each counseling method is as follows.

1) Trip.com Customer Center phone number and how to connect to a representative
The Trip.com customer center phone number and method of connecting to a representative are as follows based on the Korean customer center.

1. Call Trip.com Customer Center at 1666-0060 > Number 1 (Korean) > Select the topic you wish to inquire about (hotels, airline tickets, etc.) from numbers 1 to 5.

2. If you need reservation information, such as your accommodation reservation number, you can check it by selecting member profile at the top right of the Trip.com homepage > My Reservation.

Reservation number-confirmation
How to check reservation information
3. Check and enter your reservation information and you will be connected to a counselor.

Check Trip.com customer service number

Trip.com chat inquiry
2) Trip.com chat consultation method
Trip.com chat consultation method is simple because you can make inquiries through chat without speaking directly.

The chat consultation method is as follows.

1. Select Customer Inquiry > Customer Center at the bottom of the Trip.com webpage.

Customer-Inquiry-Customer Center
customer service center
2. When you select chat among the consultation items and then select the topic you want to inquire about (hotels, airline tickets, etc.), chat consultation is possible through a chatbot.

Chat – Select
Chat Inquiry
Trip.com chatbot consultation
In the case of chat consultation, the items you can inquire about are limited, so for certain inquiries, you may need to connect to a counselor by phone.

Therefore, if you need to handle the issue urgently, we recommend calling the customer service center number mentioned above to connect to a representative.

Trip.com chat inquiry

Trip.com email inquiry
3) Trip.com email consultation method
Trip.com’s email consultation method takes about 1-2 days to receive a response, so it is not recommended in emergency situations, such as problems occurring when arriving at your accommodation from overseas.

You can contact us via email by selecting Customer Inquiry > Customer Center at the bottom of the Trip.com webpage and then selecting Email Inquiry at the bottom.

Email-Contact Us
Email inquiry
Contact Trip.com Customer Center by phone

3. Conclusion
So far, we have learned about Trip.com’s customer service phone number and various consultation methods.

If it is an urgent matter, it is best to call the customer center phone number and connect with a representative. Otherwise, you can conveniently receive an answer by using chat consultation or email consultation.

Please refer to this article to learn about various consultation methods and contact us using the method of your choice.