최저신용자 특례보증 신청방법 Let’s find out what special guarantee support is available for people with the lowest credit, how to apply, and what documents to submit.

최저신용자 특례보증 신청방법are info

In order to prevent damage from illegal private finance, this is a policy microfinance product with a guarantee that provides intensive support to those with the lowest credit who currently have difficulty using the policy microfinance product (Sunshine Loan 15) due to past delinquency or other reasons.

Sunshine Loan 15 (Special Guarantee) Microfinance Product
▶ Eligible for special guarantee support for those with the lowest credit rating
▶ Details of special guarantee support for people with the lowest credit rating
▶ Dealer
▶ Procedure for use
▶ Documents to be submitted for special guarantee for those with the lowest credit
▶ In conclusion…
– Those who have been rejected for Sunshine Loan 15 guarantee due to reasons such as past delinquency can apply.
– This applies to people who are in the bottom 10% of their personal credit score and have an annual income of 45 million won or less.
*As of April 23, KCB 670 points or NICE 724 points or less
※ You can have up to two loan accounts, and if there is an unfinished loan, additional loans are limited to the bank that issued the unfinished loan.
– After applying for a guarantee through the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency app (if the app is not available, visit the Microfinance Integration Support Center), you can apply for a loan through the app (or counter) of an agreement financial company.
※ Digitally vulnerable groups, such as those who do not own a smartphone or do not have a cell phone in their own name, can apply offline after making a reservation by visiting the nearest Microfinance Integration Support Center through the 1397 Microfinance Call Center.
– As of May 23, you can apply for a loan at Gwangju Bank, Jeonbuk Bank, Welcome Savings Bank, and DB Savings Bank (limited to Seoul residents), and further expansion is scheduled for 2023.

Small living expenses loan (financial product for low-income people)
If it has been 6 months since you received a special guarantee loan for people with the lowest credit, you can receive an additional loan through the financial institution where you received the loan. However, additional loans are only available if you pay faithfully. Plan well and take out a loan according to your repayment ability.
[Data source: Korea Inclusive Finance Agency]
Sunshine Loan 15 (Special Guarantee) Microfinance Product
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최저신용자 특례보증 신청방법
