모바일 신분증 발급 및 효력 Mobile ID issuance and effect

In this post, we will learn about the issuance method and use of mobile driver’s licenses (mobile ID cards), and the differences from the resident registration card mobile verification service.

모바일 신분증

모바일 신분증

If you are not familiar with the resident registration card mobile verification service, please refer to the article in the link below.

2023.11.25 – [Social Culture] – How to apply for the resident registration card mobile verification service (Government 24, PASS app) and when it is available! So are there cases where it cannot be used?

How to apply for the resident registration card mobile verification service (Government 24, PASS app) and when it is available! Then you can’t use it

These days, as Samsung Pay and Naver Pay are widely used, more and more people go out with only their cell phones without taking their wallets. Those who were in trouble because they suddenly had a situation where they needed an ID card.


Mobile – Driver’s License – Issuance Method – Where to Use

What is a mobile driver’s license (mobile ID)? Where to use!
A mobile ID is an ID that can be safely stored on a personal smartphone and used conveniently. In the case of existing physical IDs, all personal information is exposed, but mobile IDs have the advantage of being able to provide only the necessary information. Currently, only driver’s licenses and national veterans registration cards can be issued as a mobile ID card, but it will be expanded to include resident registration cards in the future. The places of use are as follows.


1. When handling civil complaints at public institutions

2. When an ID card is required for financial transactions at a bank

3. When adult verification is required at convenience stores, unmanned vending machines, etc.

4. Verify your identity online (Government 24, etc.)

5. License verification, etc. when renting a car or kickboard using the app


In other words, it can be used anywhere an ID is required.



How to issue a mobile driver’s license (mobile ID)
A mobile driver’s license can be issued to anyone with a driver’s license, and it can be issued to foreigners residing in Korea who have an alien registration card. There are two issuance methods.


1. How to obtain an IC driver’s license by tagging it
First, you must obtain a driver’s license with an IC chip embedded in it. Applications for IC driver’s licenses can be made through the Safe Driving Integrated Civil Services website, license testing centers, police stations, etc. After applying, receive your IC driver’s license and install the mobile ID APP. Then, tag your IC driver’s license on the back of your phone to complete the issuance.

Mobile driver’s license-Issuance method-IC driver’s license
* If you would like to apply for an IC driver’s license, please refer to the shortcut below.

IC Driver’s License – Application – Go here


2. How to obtain an IC driver’s license by visiting a license testing center without one.
This is a method of obtaining a mobile driver’s license by purchasing it at a license testing center rather than obtaining a driver’s license with an IC chip embedded in it.



Differences from resident registration card mobile verification service
The resident registration card mobile verification service and mobile driver’s license (mobile ID) are the same in that you can verify your identity in place of your ID card. However, the one that is officially recognized and can be used everywhere is the mobile driver’s license (mobile ID). It is said that mobile ID will be expanded to include resident registration cards in the future, so it will eventually be combined into mobile ID. It may be easier to understand if you think of the resident registration card mobile verification service as a temporary service until an official mobile resident registration card is issued.


It appears that the mobile driver’s license and resident registration card mobile verification services will eventually be merged into a mobile ID. Therefore, if you choose between the two, we recommend using a mobile driver’s license if possible. Now that you have received your mobile driver’s license, you can comfortably go out without your wallet and provide it safely by exposing only the necessary information when identity verification is required. Above, we learned about the mobile driver’s license issuance method and use, and the differences from the resident registration card mobile verification service.