간헐적 단식 16:8 방법 Intermittent fasting 16:8 Method Effect Coffee Water Time Side Effects

I’ve been fasting intermittently these days for diet or for my health. I’ve rounded it up for those who are curious about what it is or how to do it

간헐적 단식 16:8 방법
Intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a diet method that keeps you on an empty stomach without eating for a certain period of time. Unlike diet methods that focus on starving yourself unconditionally, the goal of intermittent fasting is to eat healthy and have enough time to digest your food. Intermittent fasting is effective for improving your constitution and correcting your body’s balance.


Intermittent fasting method: Intermittent fasting 16:8 Method: Intermittent fasting time

1. Intermittent fasting 12:12 method

간헐적 단식 16:8 방법

12:12 The intermittent fasting method involves eating for 12 hours and staying on an empty stomach for 12 hours, including sleep time. The method is to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner – intermittent fasting without eating only late-night snacks. When you first start this method, you should stop eating late-night snacks and adjust the time by eating late in the morning or early in the evening. One thing to be aware of when adjusting your time is that you should not match patterns that affect your sleep.

2. Intermittent fasting 16:8 method

The 16:8 intermittent fasting method involves eating all your meals within eight hours of the day and staying on an empty stomach for 16 hours, including sleep time. You can usually eat two meals for eight hours without breakfast or dinner, but you can eat three meals. However, the more you eat, the more effect you can see. This is a popular choice because it can see a big effect compared to the 12:12 method.

3. Intermittent fasting 5:2 method

5:2 Intermittent fasting is done on a weekly basis, not on a daily basis. You eat as usual for five days of the week, and you eat only one meal on an empty stomach for two days. It is recommended to eat two days of fasting at intervals of one to three days. At this time, it is recommended to eat one meal mainly with protein, dietary fiber, and fat after an empty stomach.


Intermittent fasting information

1. If you have to skip one meal of the day due to intermittent fasting, breakfast is good. When you fall asleep after dinner, your body is already on an empty stomach for about eight hours. Skipping breakfast at this time can increase the fasting time, which can more effectively eliminate body fat.

2. When eating after intermittent fasting, it is important to eat two things that you usually eat. If you binge eat more than usual after a long hunger, you can gain more weight due to the yo-yo phenomenon. After fasting, you should follow a healthy diet and eat only the right amount of food.

3. You have to steadily increase your exercise while fasting to prevent your muscles from losing weight. You have to do constant muscle training to preserve your muscles while losing weight through intermittent fasting. Muscle training can also prevent the yo-yo phenomenon by preventing the decrease in basic metabolism.

4. It is recommended to refrain from various drinks such as tea and coffee, which can stimulate your appetite during intermittent fasting. It is effective to avoid feeling hungry as much as possible by making a habit of frequently drinking intermittent fasting water instead of high-calorie carbonated drinks.

5. The goal of intermittent fasting is to improve the biorhythm by setting a time when the stomach of the body works and rests. Therefore, it is better to set a fixed food time for the day than to change the meal time every day.

6. It can be difficult to lose a lot of weight if someone of a standard weight who is not overweight is fasting intermittently. If the goal is simple beauty, not getting out of being overweight, it is recommended that you aim to improve your health rather than dwell on your weight.

7. Coffee is available for americano or black coffee during intermittent fasting. Green tea is also available instead of coffee

It is recommended not to drink in the morning and not to drink after 2 o’clock. It is said that it should be at least 12 o’clock at night to release caffeine, so it is better to drink decaffeinated.

It is said that coffee that you drink 30 minutes after lunch is ideal.

8. Water is very important, and it is recommended to drink water often because it removes toxins and waste.

intermittent fasting effect

The biggest effect of intermittent fasting is dieting. Due to this weight loss, overweight diseases such as diabetes and heart disease can be prevented. In addition, a substance called ketone, which is produced in the process of fat decomposition through intermittent fasting, enhances the effectiveness of breast cancer chemotherapy.

Intermittent fasting side effects

Growing children, adolescents, pregnant women, the elderly, and others who need a nutritious and balanced diet should not fast intermittently. People with type 1 diabetes or those on medication should also refrain. Also, those who fail to eat healthy with intermittent fasting can easily get sick. You should also be aware that failure to intermittently fast can lead to overeating and gain weight.

I’ve been summarizing from the popular intermittent fasting method to the precautions for doing it. I do it sometimes too, but it’s definitely good that I feel lighter. I hope it helps a lot.
[Source] Intermittent fasting 16:8 Method Effect Coffee Water Time Side Effects | Author Green Bam