하나은행 고객센터 및 전화번호 Hana Bank customer center and phone number

Information on Hana Bank’s customer center phone number, branch phone number, business hours, and agent connection number. When you access the Hana Bank website or mobile app, you can look up customer service phone numbers, loss reports, various accident reports, branch phone numbers, etc. However, the path to finding various main numbers or multiple phone numbers is complicated and those who are not familiar with the Internet Finding a phone number is bound to take a long time. Below, we introduce Hana Bank customer center phone numbers, branch phone numbers, business hours, and agent connection numbers for Hana Bank users.

하나은행 고객센터

하나은행 고객센터




Hana Bank Customer Center Phone Number (Main Main Number)
Hana Bank’s customer center main number is ☎1588-1111 / ☎1599-1111. If you are overseas and want to call Hana Bank’s customer center, you can call ☎82-42-520-2500. Hana Bank’s deposit counseling phone number is ☎1599-1842, fund counseling is ☎1599-1843, loan counseling is ☎1599-2222, foreign exchange counseling is ☎1599-1847, and the main counseling number for seniors is ☎1899-8833. It’s a bun.

When you call the Hana Bank Customer Center and connect with a counselor, the consultation hours are from 09:00 to 18:00 on weekdays (excluding bank holidays), and accident reports such as loss reports are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Category Telephone number
Hana Bank Customer Center Main Number ☎1588-1111
When calling from overseas, the main number is ☎82-42-520-2500
Deposit consultation phone number ☎1599-1842
Fund consultation phone number ☎1599-1843
Loan consultation phone number ☎1599-2222
Foreign exchange consultation phone number ☎1599-1847
Consultation number for seniors only: ☎1899-8833




Hana Bank ARS service shortcut number
You can move to the desired task more quickly by calling the Hana Bank Customer Center main number ☎1588-1111 / ☎1599-1111 and entering the ARS service shortcut number (service code) below.


[No. 1] Transfer money to Hana Bank

[No. 2] Transfer money to another bank

[No. 3] Balance inquiry

[No. 4] Transaction history inquiry

[No. 5] Other services

[No. 8] Foreign language service


[No. 9] My phone service


[Number 0] Connect to a counselor

[*] Asterisk – Fast/Slow speech service

[#]Shop – Accident Report

Number 0 – Report an accident through a counselor

Number 1 – Report damage from financial fraud

No. 2 – Cash card and debit card

No. 3 – Credit and check cards

No. 4 – Cashier’s check issued by Hana Bank

No. 5 – Bankbook and seal

No. 6 – Lock card and OTP card






Hana Bank customer service phone number (various accident reports)
You can report losses and various accidents related to Hana Bank through the Hana Bank Customer Center main phone number. Hana Bank’s various accident reports can be accepted 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, including financial fraud damage reports, loss reports of cash and debit cards, loss reports of credit cards and check cards, loss reports of cashier’s checks issued by KEB Hana Bank, and loss reports of bankbooks and seals. Please refer to the table below for reporting methods and ARS connection numbers, such as reporting the loss of the lock card and OTP card, or reporting an accident through a counselor.


※ Hana Bank accident report number ☎1588-1111 / ☎1599-1111

Accident report target service code
Financial fraud damage report # > 1
Report loss of cash card and debit card # > 2
Report loss of credit card and check card # > 3
Report of loss of cashier’s check issued by KEB Hana Bank # > 4
Report loss of bankbook and seal # > 5
Report loss of lock card and OTP card # > 6
Report an accident through a counselor # > 0
Hana Bank Customer Center Main Number
Hana Bank loss report service code




How to check Hana Bank branch phone number, business hours and address
You can check the phone number and location of Hana Bank branch (branch) through Hana Bank internet banking or mobile app. You can also check directly through the shortcut link below.

▶Check Hana Bank branch phone number, business hours, and address




Hana Bank customer center counselor connection number and consultation time (service code)
If you want to connect to a counselor immediately after connecting to the Hana Bank Customer Center phone number, you can quickly connect by calling the main number and entering the service code number appropriate for each task. Among the Hana Bank customer center counselor connection numbers (service codes) are automatic transfer/transaction history/deposit/fund, loan, foreign exchange, my data/mobile/internet banking, internet corporate banking, currency exchange application/deposit subscription/subscription/insurance, retirement pension. Please refer to the table below for counselor connection numbers for credit/debit cards, etc.

※ Hana Bank Customer Center main number ☎1588-1111 / ☎1599-1111

Consultation service code for each task Consultation time
Automatic transfer/transaction history/deposit/fund 01 24 hours
loan 02
Oehan 03
My Data/Mobile/Internet Banking 04
Internet Corporate Banking 05 Weekdays 09:00 ~ 18:00
Currency exchange application/deposit subscription/subscription/insurance 06
Retirement Pension 07
Credit/debit card 08 24 hours





Hana Card Customer Center Phone Number
The main number for Hana Card Customer Center is ☎1800-1111. The phone number to report loss of Hana Card is ☎1599-1133, and the Hana Card Financial ARS phone number is ☎1800-1000. The ARS phone number for Hana Card approval is ☎1800-2000, and the phone number for Hana Card application is ☎1800-3000. If you are overseas and want to call the Hana Card customer service center, you can call ☎82-1800-1111 or ☎82-2-3489-1000.

When you call the Hana Card Customer Center and connect with a counselor, the consultation hours are from 09:00 to 18:00 on weekdays (excluding public holidays), and loss reports are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Category Telephone number
Hana Card Customer Center Main Number ☎1800-1111
Hana Card loss report phone number: ☎1599-1133
Hana Card Financial ARS phone number ☎1800-1000
Hana Card approved ARS phone number ☎1800-2000
Hana Card application phone number ☎1800-3000
When calling from overseas ☎82-1800-1111