CU편의점 재고조회 How to check the stock of Pokémon Bread CU convenience stores

1. Download the Pocket CU app that fits your phone below. CU편의점 재고조회

Download the 👉🏻 App Store CU편의점 재고조회
Download the 👉🏻 Play Store CU편의점 재고조회
2. After running the application, click Find Products at the bottom left of the home screen.

CU편의점 재고조회
3. If you turn the issue item on the top to the right, you’ll find Pokémon bread. Click on the photo of the product you want. (You can also check the inventory of new products for Pokémon Bread season 2)

4. If a message of consent to the location-based service terms and conditions appears as follows, you must agree to check the inventory.

5. Once you’ve agreed, you can check the stock of your nearby CU by selecting the type of Pokémon bread you want.

CU편의점 재고조회
– Exemplary picture –
However, there is no guarantee that it can be purchased unconditionally because it may be a computer error or a product that has already been reserved if there is around one in stock. Therefore, it can be said that the most reliable method is to simply refer to the inventory quantity and visit in person to inquire about the stock time of Pokémon bread.