변비 직빵 푸룬주스 Constipation straight bread. Good food for constipation. I drink lactobacillus purun juice

constipated bread/food good for constipation

[My happy house] 변비 직빵 푸룬주스

Lactobacillus purun juice

It’s a cold winter where I don’t want to come out every morning under a warm blanket.

I just want to roll around in the blanket all day long jasminevista.com

Since it’s the morning that’s coming without change, we have to wake up and start the day

One of the things I do every morning when I wake up!

It’s a refreshing pleasure.

That way, the day is easy and I can live easily.

Sometimes this doesn’t work out easily. ㅜ.ㅜ

변비 직빵 푸룬주스

To have a refreshing day every day with a light heart

A drink that I drink every day!

Food that is good for constipation. It’s Lactobacillus drink Purun juice..

Constipation straightforward Purun juice has been tried once before and it’s delicious,

Also, I remember eating it saying that it was good because the effect was good.

These past few days, I’ve had a frowny body and not a regular diet

I’m drinking it to feel refreshed again.

We drink so many healthy fruit and vegetable juices.

I also drink vegetable juice and natto juice alternately every morning,

And I often drink fruit juice from time to time.

My Fun House Purun Juice is not a regular fruit and vegetable juice, but a food lactic acid bacteria drink that is good for constipation.



If you’re less active

a person with a sensitive appetite

a person who has reduced his portion of food

A child who never ate something that was not good

It’s also an essential drink for these people.

In particular, it is said to be good for constipation, which is one of the symptoms of early pregnancy.

As I get older, my activities decrease and I move less

Also, I have sensitive taste

I thought I should eat lactobacillus in the car

I’m trying a lactobacillus drink that’s constipated.


My fun home lactobacillus drink Purun juice is

There are 20 bags per box.


Purun juice is just enough to drink at once. 80ml is a pack of pouches

It’s not the strong flavor of Purun, but it’s softer with apples and bananas

It is a fruit-flavored Purun juice with a sweet and sour taste.

If you actually drink it, it tastes like grape juice, but it tastes like plum tea with a sour taste and a little bit of apple scent.

First of all, it’s delicious.

I want to try it because it’s delicious

Purun juice is not a regular fruit and vegetable juice, but a lactic acid bacteria drink, so you shouldn’t drink too much.

Food that is good for constipation. Eating a lot of green light gives you an upset stomach. ^^

Easy to drink with just the right dosage of 80ml at once..

I drink one bag a day, and sometimes I drink two more when I want to drink more.. ^^

I carry it in my bag and drink it on my way to work,

Sometimes after work, I do walking exercises and then I drink a pack before I go home.

Constipation straight bread Purun juice container pouch is convenient.

Until you open the toad with a hygienic packaging container, the part that touches your mouth is not revealed.

That’s why it’s more hygienic.

Usually, if you put the pouch in your bag and cut off the inlet and drink it as it is

It’s not a little hygienic because it’s been touched here and there and exposed to the air.

The Purun juice pouch is a product that doesn’t show up in the air or anywhere

As soon as I open the toad, I can drink it right away

It’s hygienic and easy to drink.


It’s not hard to open the pouch

If you open the arrow with your hand, it will open easily

Even children with weak grip can easily take it out and drink it.

It’s not juice that I drink because it’s delicious, but I think about my health

Since I ate it for a refreshing recovery

Food that is good for constipation Purun juice contains Purun lactobacillus fermentation liquid and enoki mushroom fermentation liquid.

So, after drinking it, it feels fresher, more savory, and soft.

GABA, which is called brain food

It is a health food material that has recently attracted attention as a kind of neurotransmitter.

In addition, my favorite lactobacillus purun juice contains 50mg per 100ml of this GABA.

I feel like my brain will be healthy if I eat it for some reason.. ^^

HACCP certification.

This is definitely a must.

Because it’s a Purun juice made in a specialized fermentation manufacturing facility certified for food safety management

You can drink it with confidence.

The painting of the constipation straightforward Pouch is very pretty with its emotional design.

The picture of eating furun comes with a simple white tone background.

When we usually drink fruit and vegetable juice, it’s comfortable and tastes good, but it bothers us, right?

It’s sugar.

Food Good for Constipation Prolonged Lactobacillus Beverage Purun juice contains only about 5g of healthy sweetness, so you can eat it without worry.

The calorific value of one pack is 58 kcal, and the calories are also low, so there is no burden to eat.


For me, it’s Purun juice that I’ve been drinking from time to time

Sometimes I drink two bags a day

If you’re eating it for the first time, you can drink it with a glass of warm water a day.

Food that is good for constipation. It is said that drinking blue juice on an empty stomach is the best.

If your day is not refreshing, I don’t think it would be a bad idea to drink it on an empty stomach.

If you want to be more powerful… ^^

At that time, they told me to drink three bags a day with warm water..

Some of the purchases of Purun Juice are sponsored by the Green Umbrella Children’s Foundation

I feel good because I feel like I’m helping you support by drinking Purun juice.

It’s even better because you can feel refreshed by drinking it every day.

It’s not poor Purun juice. It’s delicious and soft. Purun juice

If you buy two boxes, the shipping fee is free.

If you buy 3 boxes, the shipping fee is free and an additional 1 box is sent..