24시 약국 찾기 Find a 24-hour pharmacy

How to check the business hours of nearby pharmacies and which pharmacies are open 24 hours a day

24시 약국

24시 약국
If you suddenly feel unwell, it would be a good idea to go to the hospital, but if it is late at night or the condition is not serious enough to warrant a visit to the hospital, just going to the pharmacy may be enough. However, each pharmacy has different business hours, so it is necessary to check these by region. Let’s find out how to check the business hours of a nearby pharmacy near where I live and how to check if a 24-hour pharmacy is open.

Pharmacy opening hours
Pharmacy business hours confirmation site
You can check related information by visiting the website of the Holiday Keeper Pharmacy operated by the Korean Pharmaceutical Association. To do this, access the Holiday Keeper Pharmacy website and select one of Holiday Keeper Pharmacy, 24/7 Pharmacy, or Late Night Pharmacy from the menus on the screen, go to the map menu, and check the business hours of the pharmacy in your desired area. Since you can check by date, you can also check business hours in detail depending on whether it is a holiday or not.

Features of each search function
The 24/7 pharmacy search function allows you to search for pharmacies open 24/7 that are open from 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. the next day, and the holiday keeper pharmacy search provides information on pharmacies open on Lunar New Year’s Day, Chuseok, and public holidays. there is. However, as there may be some differences from actual operational information, it is recommended that you call and inquire before visiting if possible.

▶ Prescription reissue and prescription validity period
▶ How to find a nearby hospital or a holiday clinic

What to do if information differs from actual information
If the information is registered as operating on holidays, but it is not actually operated as such, you can report this through the non-compliance reporting menu. In that case, the pharmacy in question will be penalized for not actually conducting business without any special reason. It would be better to call before going to the pharmacy.