부탄가스 버리는법 How to safely dispose of butane gas

When camping or cooking outdoors, portable gas lenses are used a lot, so a lot of used butane gas canisters are discharged. Most of you know that throwing away the butane gas can directly can cause fire or explosion. Then let’s take a look at how to throw it out safely and safely dispose of butane gas.


Thumbnail on how to throw away butane gas
How to throw away butane gas



1. How to Dispose Butane Gas Safely
Butane canisters are made of iron, so throw them away in cans or scrap metal collection boxes. But if you just throw them away, there is a risk of fire or explosion. You must dispose of them while they are completely empty. Make sure the can is completely empty before discarding them.


However, butane gas remains even if it is used completely. We need to completely remove the remaining butane gas. Please check below for instructions on how to remove it.



There is a risk of safety accidents, so move to an enclosed space.
Set it upside down so that the gas that has sunk underneath can escape well.
Remove all gas by pressing the nozzle in a safe place with good ventilation.
Drilling holes with an awl or a can opener. Drilling the sides is easy. Drilling about two to three holes.
Stand it upside down again to remove any gas that may remain.
It is separated and discharged with cans.

2. How to Safely Store Butane Gas
Check the contents below to keep butane gas canisters safe.


Butane gas canisters should be stored in a dry, cool place with good ventilation. Butane gas is compressed with impurities, so exposure to high temperatures or direct sunlight risks explosion. So, butane gas canisters should be stored in places where no heat, direct sunlight, or flames are exposed.
Be careful not to damage butane gas canisters by handling them roughly, dropping them, impact them, and more. The damaged can cause leaks, which is very dangerous.
Butane gas canisters should be stored so that they are not exposed to heat. So, don’t store them near a gas stove or anywhere with fire.
Butane gas canisters must be stored so that they are not exposed to fire or heat. Butane gas can explode if it comes into contact with flames, cigarettes, and heated surfaces. So, butane gas canisters must be stored in places where they cannot come into contact with flames or heat.

3. Butane gas storage period
Butane gas storage period may deteriorate after a certain period of time from the date of manufacture. This period may vary by manufacturer and may vary depending on the size and storage conditions of the butane gas cylinder.


In general, butane gas manufacturers offer a three-year storage period from the date of manufacture. However, this depends on the storage conditions, so be sure to check the manufacturer’s recommended storage period and storage method when purchasing a butane gas cylinder.

Poor butane storage conditions can shorten the storage period. For example, storage in a high temperature and humidity environment can shorten the storage period because butane gas is more likely to leak.부탄가스 버리는법

Therefore, when storing butane gas, the manufacturer’s recommended storage period should be checked and the storage conditions of butane gas can be maintained appropriately to extend the storage period as much as possible.


4. How to dispose of butane gas that has expired 부탄가스 버리는법
Of course, butane gas should not be used after its expiration date, and it should not be used even if it is rusty or dented outside even though it has been stored for less than three years. Then check below how to dispose of butane gas that is full of gas.



If you make a hole right away, you will be in big trouble. Make sure to stand it upside down in a well-ventilated place, place the nozzle on the floor, and press it down to remove the gas. Shake it and repeat it again if it remains. Now that the gas has been removed, you can throw it away in the same way as how to throw away the used butane gas. jasminevista.com


Note that if the fire is low when we use a portable gas lens, we can see that the fire power will be improved again if the butane gas can be removed and shaken again. It is proof that there is still gas. Therefore, you must shake it several times to remove the gas completely before drilling it.