데이터라벨링 알바 Side job for office workers from home: Data labeling part-time job – Mong Guide

데이터라벨링 알바If you want to earn from a small amount of money to more than 3 million won through a side job as an office worker, without any significant skills or time investment, start a data labeling part-time job now. You can start making money in just 5 minutes.
Definition of data labeling part-time jobData labeling part-time job technologyData labeling part-time job How to apply/required documentsData labeling part-time job Revenue generationActual cases of data labeling part-time job

This refers to the task of appropriately collecting and processing data so that artificial intelligence can learn specific data on its own.
People who do this work are called data labelers and are divided into workers and inspectors.
Operator: Collects and processes data. Inspector: Checks whether data has been collected and processed correctly.
Data labeling is a technique that allows computers to identify source data and provides context for AI models to learn. It is used in a similar way to data annotation and refers to the task of assigning information to data points to build a data set for learning machine learning models.

1. Apply for the job you want through the site. (Photography, recording, simple product identification) 2. After applying, you will receive an allocated salary for your work.
You can generate profits in just 5 minutes by running it without training. Go to site/app (computer, smartphone available platform)ㄴ Go to Cash Mission

1. Receive training at the data labeling site of your choice. 2. After completing the training, you can apply for the job you want and receive salary.
Training is conducted online rather than offline lectures, and can be completed in a short period of time without time or space constraints. In addition, the number of competitors is reduced because the tasks that only trained data labelers can do are differentiated.
If you receive training and work, you will be able to quickly adapt to the terminology used during work and be proficient in using tools for each site.
In the case of training, you can receive it through the site of your choice.
Among the sites, Crowd Works is the no. 1 data labeling platform with 100% government-funded online courses, and provides 100% free online training when applying for the Tomorrow Learning Card.
After completing the data labeling online course, you can even perform actual tasks on the CrowdWorks platform.

It can be generated from as little as 1,000 won to more than 3 million won depending on the size and task of a project.
There are more than 10 data labeling sites in total. You can apply for the job you want on the site and make money.
This is usually a freelance job where you work from home, but depending on the project, it may involve commuting to work. Details about the project are updated not only on data labeling sites but also on job search sites such as Job Korea and Saramin.
Data labeling, see cases of people who received direct profits and verified
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