인천공항 분실물센터 찾는방법 및 전화번호 (유실물) Incheon Airport Lost and Found Center How to find and phone number (Lost and Found)

How to find the lost and found center at Incheon Airport Check the location (Customer Center)
September 26, 2023 by Oloe
Incheon Airport is Korea’s representative airline and is used by many people for travel or business trips.

인천공항 분실물센터

인천공항 분실물센터

However, it can often happen that you lose valuable items while traveling. The Incheon Airport Lost and Found Center is the place to help in such situations.

Therefore, today we will learn in detail how to find the lost and found center at Incheon Airport and how to check its location.

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Incheon Airport Lost and Found Center
Incheon Airport Mark
Let’s learn how to easily find items at the Incheon Airport Lost and Found Center through the website.

The Incheon Airport Lost and Found Management Center is currently operated by the Airport Corporation as a facility to dispose of various items acquired while using the airport.

How to use lost 112 1
To find lost items, you can search for found items on Lost 112. To search, visit the official website and enter the category name, period, and location of the found item.

Additionally, in order to check lost items related to Incheong Airport, you must select the airport when selecting the acquisition area to conduct a proper search.

How to use lost 112 2
Information that can be confirmed through search results includes the name of the found item, name of the person who lost it, storage location, contact information, and date of pickup.

How to use lost 112 3
If you want to check in more detail, click on the name of the found item. You can check the lost item image, detailed route, and any special information. You can contact the most important storage location contact number to find the lost item.

✅ Quick cleanup

Connect to Lost 112
Find the owner! Select the (Acquired Items) menu
Select “Incheon Metropolitan City” as the acquisition area
Select acquisition location “Airport”
Please select the category name and then select search.
Please select the name of the lost item and contact the storage location to retrieve the lost item.
Go to Lost 112 homepage
Customer service phone number
Customer service phone number
You can search for lost items using the method explained above, but if you have any questions at Incheon Airport, you can contact customer service and receive advice.

There is a way to find out the phone number through the storage location contact information, but there is also a way to contact the police complaint call center.