핸드폰물에빠졌을때 [Haeryong’s Tip Time] When your cell phone falls into the water! Save your cell phone from getting wet!

핸드폰물에빠졌을때Hello, Se-ryong~! Incheon Port Authority Haeryong! Smartphones are inseparable from modern life! Since I can’t let go of my phone even for a moment, my phone is always with me, even in the bathroom, on rainy days, and while playing in the water. What should you do if you accidentally drop your cell phone in water in an environment where it can be exposed to water? Newer cell phones are well-waterproofed, but even so, you may feel embarrassed and not be able to think of a quick solution. So Hae-ryong from the Incheon Port Authority has been studying diligently how to save a water-soaked cell phone when it falls into the water, so let’s take a look together!

First, turn off your cell phone when it falls into water.
If your cell phone has fallen into water or water has been spilled on it, you should turn it off first without delay. If your phone has a removable battery, it is best to separate the battery from the phone. Even if you fall into the water, there are cases where the power turns on or the cell phone works. At this time, if you misunderstand that it is working well and use it carelessly, its function may be damaged or it may malfunction completely.

Second, remove moisture from the inside and outside of the phone.
After turning off the power, you need to remove any remaining moisture from the inside and outside of the phone. If there are any contaminants or spills such as drinks, wipe off with clear water and remove moisture with a dry towel or cotton swab. In particular, you must be especially careful to prevent water from leaking into places where water can enter, such as the earphone terminal or speaker.
And the moment you fall into the water, moisture may have already entered the inside. You should wipe off any moisture inside, but you should never disassemble it. This is because it may lead to a bigger breakdown, and if there are signs of disassembly, the product may be excluded from service. The moisture inside will come out little by little when you tap the phone, and you can then wipe it off.
There are times when you want to dry the water quickly, so you use heat tools such as a hair dryer to dry it, but this is also a method you should never use. This is because cell phone components are weak to heat. It should be dried naturally in a cool, windy place, such as in the shade, to avoid problems with the parts.

Third, be sure to receive after-sales service regardless of whether it is working or not.
If you have followed this point carefully and your phone is completely dry, your phone will be able to work except in special cases. However, the information provided above is for emergency measures to be taken if your cell phone suddenly falls into water, and is not a complete solution. Even if you dry it very well, a cell phone that has fallen into water may have problems such as internal rusting or damaged parts. Wouldn’t visiting an officially supported A/S center and checking the condition of your cell phone be the most reliable follow-up response for a cell phone that fell into water? Please visit the A/S center as quickly as possible.

Fourth and last, please prepare for the situation in advance.
In addition to situations where your cell phone falls into water, various problems that can cause your cell phone to be damaged can occur at any time. To avoid losing your valuable personal data in such a situation, it is recommended that you back it up in advance. Although it may be difficult every day, if you periodically save data from your cell phone to a computer or other device, if a problem arises, you will be able to easily resolve it without worrying about data being lost.

So far, we have learned what to do if your cell phone falls into water. As the waterproofing function has gradually evolved, you no longer need to worry as much about waterproofing as you used to, but even so, keep in mind the methods we taught you today so that if a situation actually arises, you can solve it without panicking. What did you think of Incheon Port Authority’s Haeryong’s tips? Let’s go again to find new tips. See you all next time!

263 Central-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, IBS Tower (31~35F)

