무인 아이스크림 창업비용 ‘Autoro 500 per month is basic’ unmanned ice cream startup, the reality was like this… < Society < News < Text of article - Apricot News - Inspiring voices that change the world

무인 아이스크림 창업비용Among the startup items, the ones that are enjoying great popularity are the ‘unmanned ice cream discount store’ and the ‘unmanned laundromat.’ Considering the situation just 3-4 years ago, when cafes and chicken businesses were the mainstays, this can be said to be a huge change. Most previous startups started with the intention of preparing for retirement or changing self-employment items that had previously had low sales.

However, recently, as the concept of a stable job has disappeared and ‘two jobs’ have become natural, the number of start-ups called ‘second salary accounts’ has increased. This can be called an ‘unmanned store’ or an ‘unmanned start-up.’ In fact, unmanned start-ups are inevitably attractive because there are very few things to worry about in terms of operation as long as you pay the initial investment cost. In addition, maintenance costs are also low, so they are highly preferred due to the advantage of less burden.
What are the costs of starting an unmanned ice cream discount store?
Among unmanned stores, ‘unmanned ice cream discount stores’ are unrivaled in popularity. This can be said to be quite attractive to consumers as it sells ice cream and confectionery at a much cheaper price than supermarkets, supermarkets, or convenience stores.

The reason why unmanned ice cream discount stores are popular as a business start-up item is because of their low start-up costs. Due to brand competition, we do not charge franchise fees or training fees, and in addition, we rent out expensive refrigerators and shelves for free, so in fact, you can open right away by paying only the cost of interior design, signage, and kiosk (rental).

In general, they choose an alley shopping mall with a dense concentration of houses or a small shopping mall within a complex, and unlike general business start-ups in commercial districts, the deposit is also low. It is known that the basic start-up costs (interior, signage, kiosk, basic supplies) are approximately 5 to 7 million won, and the deposit is approximately 10 to 40 million won. Accordingly, it can be said that the initial start-up cost is approximately mid to high 20 million won, including the deposit. *The deposit varies greatly depending on location.
What is the reality of unmanned ice cream startups?

The cost of starting a business is relatively low and it is easy to maintain, so is it a solid solution? But the reality is not as easy as you think. Unmanned ice cream discount stores are clearly an attractive item, as if you are enjoying financial freedom in a successful place. However, if you choose the wrong location, this is a business that may not generate enough sales to even pay the monthly rent even if you run it all day.

If you sell one ice cream worth 400 won, there will be about 100 won left over, which may not seem like a large margin, but net profit varies greatly depending on the season. In the winter, due to the cold weather, people do not come for ice cream as much, leaving a net profit of about 1.5 million won per month, but in the summer, the story is different. Due to the extreme heat that comes in the summer, the number of customers looking for ice cream increases, and there are also many customers who buy dozens of ice creams at a time, so the net profit in the summer is said to be around 2.5 to 3 million won. This means that profits vary significantly by two times depending on the season.
In addition, even in unmanned stores, you need to pay attention to cleanliness and product issues on a regular basis, and you should also consider that issues such as theft, damage, and theft from unmanned stores, which have recently become a major problem, can be another source of stress. Lastly, sales in summer, which is the peak season, are attractive, but in winter, there are many places where monthly rent is tight, so it is important to recognize that behind the popularity, there is also a difficult reality.

They say that there are exciting startups in the world, but there are no easy startups. In other words, after selecting a startup item, it can be said that it is a good attitude to predict the worst situation rather than thinking only about the advantages. Starting a business by only listening to other people’s fascinating stories is no different from gambling, so be sure to study in advance and hope for a successful start-up.

무인 아이스크림 창업비용
