무직자 청년대출 Unemployed Youth Loan Qualification Conditions and Required Checklist: Naver Blog

무직자 청년대출2022. 4. 28. 16:36

These days, there are a lot of inquiries about loans from people who are just starting out in society, and in relation to that, I would like to explain how to use loan products for unemployed youth and the eligibility conditions.
Samho Savings Bank Youth Loan
In the case of the unemployed youth loan product, it is not a product that you can just apply for as unemployed, but a product that requires you to set up a temporary job and proceed with the loan.

Usually, most people set up a temporary workplace at a convenience store near their home, but setting up a temporary workplace is not that difficult.
loans for unemployed people
First of all, there are products that allow loans starting from the age of 19, and there are products that allow loans starting from the age of 20.

If you are 19 years old, you can borrow up to 5 million won, and if you are 20 years old, you can borrow 5 million won from two places, so you can borrow up to 10 million won.
Cheongju Savings Bank Loan for the Unemployed
Most of these loans for unemployed youth are provided by Cheongju Savings Bank and Samho Savings Bank, but the guides for the two are slightly different.

In the case of Samho Savings Bank, it is difficult to provide loans to college students or middle school graduates, so if you have a problem with your educational background, you should proceed to Cheongju Savings Bank.
temporary job loan
At Samho Savings Bank, if you have a student loan, you will be immediately rejected, and since a graduation certificate is required anyway, even if you are a middle school graduate, your application will be immediately rejected.

Also, in the case of men, loans are basically only available if they have completed their military service, and in the case of those who have not completed their military service, up to 2 million won is available at Samho Savings Bank.
5 million won temporary employer loan
However, if you have not undergone a military medical examination or have been notified of a re-examination, you will not be able to receive a loan, so you must refer to this when applying for a loan.

In addition, if the mobile phone arrears are large or the current month’s bill is large, the application may be rejected.

Lastly, the thing you’re most curious about is the part about temporary workplace settings.
Convenience store temporary loan
There is nothing you need to do to set up a temporary workplace, just prepare a receipt from a convenience store near your home.

If you have any questions about setting up a temporary workplace, please contact me and I will be able to explain in more detail.

And if you are already using a youth loan, you should apply at Samho Savings Bank rather than Cheongju Savings Bank to increase the approval rate.
Eligibility requirements for unemployed youth loan
In the case of Cheongju Savings Bank, it doesn’t matter if you use a bank loan or Sunshine Loan Youth, but if you use a second financial institution loan, you will most likely be rejected.

And since you cannot get a loan even if your credit score is too low, it is better to think that your KCB score must be at least 600 points to get a loan.

If the above restrictions do not apply, the person in charge will process the application after an explanation when applying, but there are some things the customer should also be aware of.

You must first apply to Cheongju Savings Bank and then apply to Samho Savings Bank.
Loan for unemployed youth, temporary employer counseling line
In the case of youth loan products, there are so many variables that you should not rule out the possibility of rejection. However, in the case of Cheongju Savings Bank, applications cannot be accepted for a certain period of time if there is a rejection history from another company, so apply to Cheongju Savings Bank first. And if you are rejected, the best option is to apply to Samho Savings Bank.

In the case of youth loans, I think the most important part is the first consultation.
Loan consultation for unemployed convenience store workers
At the first consultation, we need to confirm your exact information so that we can roughly estimate whether you will be approved before filing, so you can avoid the wasted effort of getting rejected after submitting your documents.

In addition, the application method, process order, and tips for answering the phone are slightly different for loans for the unemployed depending on the financial company, so it is recommended that you apply after consulting with an expert and receive the necessary funds.
Everything about the eligibility requirements for a temporary job youth loan

If you have any questions about refinancing loans at low interest rates, please contact us at any time!

무직자 청년대출
