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How to use Kakao Taxi


Kakao Taxi is a call taxi app that provides various convenient functions and is relatively easier to use than other call taxis. In this article, we will learn about ‘the new way to use Kakao Taxi.’ The recently added automatic payment system and costs based on distance are calculated and printed. Let’s look at it in more detail below.



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How to use the new Kakao Taxi?


The overall content is the same as before, but the automatic payment system, which was previously only available on Black Kakao Taxi, has been introduced, and the cost calculation according to distance can be said to be better than before. As follows


How to use the new Kakao Taxi?

First, download the Kakao T mobile app and run it.


The app screen will appear as shown in the picture above.


First: Select the departure and destination locations.

Second: Select vehicle type (medium, large, model)

Third: Press Select Taxi.

Fourth: Select the desired service option (normal call, smart call).

Smart calling (it is helpful in areas with relatively poor transportation where it is difficult to get a taxi)

Fifth: Select a payment method. You can choose between (paying by check card or paying directly to the driver). When paying with a check card, the money is withdrawn from the account linked to the card registered in advance through automatic payment.

Sixth: What if the driver accepts the call? You will inform the driver of your detailed location by calling or sending a message.

Seventh: When an alarm pops up saying that the driver’s vehicle is about to arrive, check the vehicle number and get on.

Eighth: Click the Kakao Talk icon to send a safe message.

Ninth: What if you choose the automatic payment option when you arrive at your destination? Payment will be made automatically according to the liter rate. What if you choose to pay directly to the driver? You can pay with a card.


A photo of actual use is attached below.

Where are you departing from? You can select your current location on GPS, or you can set it arbitrarily on the map. When you select the departure and arrival points, the distance is automatically calculated and displayed as approximately xx minutes away. Then, there are medium, large, and model models. You can choose the medium size. Then press Select Taxi at the bottom.


Address information on the map appears on the map where you are currently located. The current location is listed as 440-6, Palbong-dong, Iksan-si, Jeollabuk-do. You may not know much about geography, but it is linked to Kakao Map so you can check geographic information, so it may be useful when conveying current location information to the driver.


This is a new screen with the addition of automatic payment, and it says that the meter fee will be automatically paid with the selected card. The amount based on the distance is automatically calculated. What are the expected costs at origin and destination? For a regular call, it is expected to be 6,400 won, and for a smart call, it is expected to be 1,000 won plus 7,400 won. What if you checked the amount information? In the next step, select a payment method.


There are two items in payment method selection. The first item allows you to use the automatic payment function. This feature is not yet available nationwide, and taxi drivers say it is quite inconvenient. It might get better in the future, but so far there are many inconvenient problems, so what if I choose a check card? It is said that the drivers do not accept calls.. And the second item has been used before, and is an old method where the drivers arrive at the destination and pay with a card, which is an old method that does not cause any inconvenience.


After selecting the options and clicking ‘Call’, the screen above appears. Rather than 100% acceptance, the driver must accept the call request to proceed to the next step. In areas with poor transportation? If you use the ‘Smart Call’ function, which requires an additional fee of 1,000 won, the call acceptance rate will definitely increase.


New way to use Kakao Taxi

This is the screen when the driver accepts the call.


What is the phone icon? A phone call with the driver, and a text message next to it. Below that, your name, vehicle information, etc. are listed. And on Kakao Map, my current location and the driver’s location are displayed as dots in real time. Arrives in about 5 minutes, arrives in about 15 minutes, etc. Information is displayed in this way, and when you move, it moves on the screen.


What if there is not much time left between you and the driver? like this

I’m running hard. please wait for a moment. A message will appear and soon the screen below will appear.


Vehicle information will be displayed and it will arrive soon. What if the message appears on the screen? After checking the vehicle information, you can board right away.


What if I enter the Kakao Taxi app again after boarding the vehicle? As shown above, the current boarding details are displayed. If you look in the middle, there is an icon shaped like the Kakaotalk logo. What happens when you press this icon? You can send a safe message.


As shown above, you can send a reassuring message to your friends, lovers, and family.

Departure point, estimated travel time, vehicle information, etc. are listed.


What happens when you click on additional service items?

As shown above, you can use the options of calling a taxi, calling a black car, finding a parking lot, and calling a proxy. If you don’t need it, you can click Close to exit the screen.

When you arrive at the destination from the departure point, a push notification will automatically appear on your smartphone screen as shown above. You have arrived at your destination. What if the message appears? In case of automatic payment, the money will be automatically withdrawn from the pre-registered account. What about direct payment? In the old-fashioned way, you present your card to the driver and pay the fare written on the liter.


What if I use a taxi and go back into the app? You can give the rating of the taxi driver you recently rode. It is said that if this rating is high, smart calling can be used. It is said that smart calling is not a feature that can be used by drivers with low ratings.


So far, we have learned about ‘the new way to use Kakao Taxi.’