임신테스트기 희미한 두줄 Pregnancy test with two faint lines When to use Accuracy

임신테스트기 희미한 두줄It is said that two faint lines on a pregnancy test may appear if there is a low level of pregnancy hormones released after fertilization. If you feel that these two faint lines will cause you further mental breakdown, I recommend that you take the pregnancy test at the correct time. In my case, the two faint lines made me feel anxious. Is this really pregnancy? I was very anxious, but when I checked the pregnancy test a few days later, the color got a little darker, and as the line got darker as the days went by, I became more confident that I was pregnant.

However, even if the result is non-pregnant, an additional pale line may appear on the sample line more than 5 minutes after the test. This is a reaction that occurs when the reagent applied to the sample line is oxidized in the air, so it is important to check for changes within 5 minutes after the test.
Also, please note that in very rare cases, the results may appear blurry if the tester is out of date or defective.

The reason why two faint lines appear on a pregnancy test is that, as mentioned earlier, if you use the pregnancy test too early, the results will be different because there is less hormones before implantation. Therefore, accurate confirmation is possible only when the pregnancy test is used at the correct time, and its accuracy increases over time. Oh, the passage of time mentioned here does not mean that the color becomes darker as time passes after the test, but it means that the accuracy is high only when tested with a new tester after some time has passed.

So, considering the process by which a fertilized egg undergoes cell division, attaches to the endometrium, and slowly implants, the right time to use a pregnancy test is exactly 10 to 14 days after intercourse. Nowadays, it is said that it is possible to check even before the expected menstruation date by using products that are sensitive to hormones, such as early testers, so that it is possible to check even before the expected menstruation date. However, in order to accurately confirm pregnancy, if possible, after the expected menstruation date It’s good to check.

There are other ways to confirm pregnancy other than a pregnancy test.
A urine test is the first diagnostic method performed at a hospital, and it is said to be 100% accurate only after 4 weeks of conception. Even if you test two weeks after fertilization, you can still get results with 90% accuracy.

This is a test received at a hospital, and is more accurate than a urine test. Pregnancy can be confirmed by checking the presence of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood, and if a blood test is performed two weeks after fertilization, the pregnancy can be accurately determined.

Four weeks after conception, pregnancy can be confirmed through a transvaginal ultrasound. From the 5th week of pregnancy, it can be confirmed with an abdominal ultrasound, but it is said that a transvaginal ultrasound is more accurate up to the 10th week of pregnancy.

In cases such as when there is no menstruation due to breastfeeding after giving birth, after an abortion, or irregular menstruation, it can be difficult to find out that you are pregnant because you are already experiencing symptoms similar to those of pregnancy.

Also, in cases of ectopic pregnancy or abnormal pregnancy, the fact that you are pregnant may be overlooked. They say this is because the pattern of bleeding is similar to menstruation. In general, if you wear a loop for a long period of time, have a lot of inflammation in the vagina, have had many miscarriages in the past, or have taken birth control pills for a long time, you should pay particular attention to whether you are pregnant.

So far, we have looked at the two faint lines on a pregnancy test, when to use it, and other ways to check pregnancy. You may be impatient, but it can be said that the most accurate way is to wait a little with a relaxed mind and check after your period is due, no matter what method.

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