배달의민족 고객센터 Baeminwon cancellation method and waiting time for contacting a counselor

배달의민족 고객센터For Bae Min-won (Baemin Riders), once the cooking is received, both the restaurant owner and the customer who ordered the food cannot be canceled on their own. Therefore, Bae Min-won can cancel only through the customer center after cooking. In the existing delivery service, the boss can cancel the order through the PC program or mobile phone app even after the cooking order is received, but Bae Min-won (Baemin Riders) does not. Both the restaurant owner and the customer who placed the order must call the customer service center.

Probably, because each order is linked to the drivers of Baemin Riders, it seems that the responsibility for order management goes directly to Baeminwon, not the restaurant owner, after the reception. In fact, the drivers of Baemin Riders are employees of Baeminwon. Strictly speaking, it is not a contract with the restaurant owner. It seems that the system structure also shows that Baemin Riders drivers belong to Baeminwon, so Baeminwon is in charge of management.

Even from the position of the driver of Baemin Riders, if the restaurant owner can cancel directly, it seems that he will be notified of the cancellation of the delivery from the restaurant. I belong to Bae Min-won, but I don’t think it would be good to be notified that the order was canceled directly from the restaurant.

I can understand the Bae Min-won (Baemin Riders) system. There is no problem if the customer center quickly resolves the requests of restaurant/order customers. You can easily connect to the Baeminwon Customer Center during the rest of the time except for lunchtime and dinnertime. However, during peak hours, including lunchtime and dinnertime, it is really difficult to connect with Bae Min-won’s customer service representative. Below is the number of attempts to contact customer service to cancel an order. It should be seen that it is almost impossible to connect to the Baeminwon customer service center during lunchtime. Of course, as Baedal Minjok is the largest delivery service company in Korea, we will not pass on the financial loss that may occur due to cancellation to the restaurant owner, Baemin Riders driver, or customers who order food. However, I don’t think they will take responsibility for the stress we receive in this process.

There is no direct number to connect to Bae Min-won Customer Center. To request cancellation of an order at Baeminwon, you must first call Baedal Minjok Customer Center (1600-0987) and ask the agent to connect you to Baeminwon. Baeminwon-related consultation is not available at the Baedal Minjok Customer Center. After that, it would be nice if the counselor Bae Min-won answered the phone right away, but if there is no answer for about 9 to 10 minutes, the whole process has to be started from the beginning again. Of course, in the call connection tone, Baedal Minjok already informs you in advance that waiting time may take a long time due to the counselor reduction policy due to corona. I do understand. If you do not answer the phone, be patient and keep calling repeatedly.

Usually, customers who have ordered food request cancellation through the customer center, but there are also cases where they directly call the restaurant to request cancellation. In this case, the restaurant owner must request cancellation to the customer center. The boss must inform the customer that cancellation approval can take a long time. If you do not notify us, you may continue to receive calls asking when cancellation will occur. You should also explain the cancellation to the Baemin Riders driver who came to pick up the food at the store. Avoid lunch/dinner peak hours, you can call the customer center to request cancellation due to customer request.

TEL. 02.1234.5678 / Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
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배달의민족 고객센터
