실업급여 조건 변경 방법 Summary of changes to unemployment benefit regulations in 2023 Apply from May! -New Primadonna

실업급여 조건 변경 방법By 2023, there are increasing cases of abuse of unemployment benefits by staying unemployed without re-employment due to unemployment benefits.

Because of this, the unemployment benefit policy that changed from May this year has become important. Please check the articles listed below and refer to them when applying for unemployment benefits.

If you would like to apply for unemployment benefits, you can apply through the link below.

It is a system that helps workers who subscribed to employment insurance overcome the livelihood anxiety caused by unemployment, stabilize their lives, and support opportunities for re-employment by paying wages during the period of unemployment or re-employment activities after losing their job due to unwanted reasons.

Unemployment benefits are largely divided into job-seeking benefits and employment promotion allowances.

Types of Unemployment Benefits

What you need to keep in mind is that unemployment benefits are not paid as compensation for unemployment or in exchange for payment of employment insurance premiums, and unemployment benefits confirm the fact that active reemployment activities were conducted for the period of inability to find employment when an insurance accident called unemployment occurred ( Unemployment recognition) and payment.

In case of changing jobs as a daily worker, all of the following conditions must be met.

Early re-employment allowance

Vocational Skills Development Allowance

Wide-area job search expenses

Jubi Lee

Download the PDF file below for more details!

Employment Insurance Unemployment Benefit Guide.pdf

Find out the 2023 Minimum Wage

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Attention, 19 years old, born in 2004 in Seoul! Seoul Youth Culture Pass 200,000 won paid!
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실업급여 조건 변경 방법

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