공용 와이파이 무료 사용 방법 Find free Wi-Fi spots in public places nationwide / Free Wi-Fi service (WiFi)

공용 와이파이 무료 사용 방법Introducing a service that searches for free Wi-Fi spots in public places nationwide.

What is free WiFi service in public places?
It is a Wi-Fi service that anyone can use for free in public places frequently used by the people, such as community centers, welfare facilities, and traditional markets. This service is provided with the cooperation of three mobile communication companies (KT, SKT, LGU+) there is.

I’m explaining

The following picture is an explanation of public Wi-Fi.
The picture is quite long.

If you look at all the pictures, please refer to the URL at the bottom, such as an introduction to how to use and an application ~~~

The official website is http://www.wififree.kr/main.do Here ^^

When accessing the site, the following screen will appear.

If you look at the red square box number 2, there is a place to search. If you select an area and press the search button, a place with free Wi-Fi service is searched on the map.

Please refer to the red square box number 1 as it explains how to use Wi-Fi.

Oh, and there is also an application to find free Wi-Fi in public places !!!

The app download address is here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.confitech.publicwifi&hl=ko. ^^

It is very simple to use, so I will not explain it separately.

Finally, free Wi-Fi in public places can be vulnerable because it is open.

The following is an explanation of security, so please refer to it.

Public Wi-Fi Security Service
“Public WiFi Secure” provided in public Wi-Fi service areas is a service that allows you to use WiFi safely by encrypting data transmitted over the wireless Internet. Secure WiFi is the padlock icon next to the WiFi signal.

Precautions when using public Wi-Fi security service
1. Even if the wireless Internet section data is encrypted by public Wi-Fi security service, personal information may be leaked through other routes such as pharming/phishing.
2. The security service encrypts all your data, so your internet speed may drop a bit. Please understand that this is for a more secure Internet.3. Security services may not be available in all public Wi-Fi coverage areas. We plan to gradually expand the service after a pilot service for some regions.4. Even if you use a secure SSID, always manage your personal information with care.

How to use public Wi-Fi security service
1. Search for nearby Wi-Fi signals in the wireless network settings.2. Select ‘Public WiFi Secure’ among WiFi signals and enter your username and password.
– Username: wifi- Password: wifi
3. Run the web browser (recommended to use the default browser of the terminal)
– You can use the Internet directly without going through the Public WiFi connection screen page

For more information on public Wi-Fi security services, refer to the following address: http://www.wififree.kr/service_info_03.do

Save your data everyone!

공용 와이파이 무료 사용 방법

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