속도위반 실시간 조회 National Police Agency Traffic Civil Service 24 (Ipain)

속도위반 실시간 조회Recent Enforcement History
non-payment of fines
unpaid fine
View payment details ▶
fine for negligence
prepaid fine
Violation of traffic laws ▶
Fact confirmation request
Civil complaint ▶
Penalty (statement of opinion, double payment refund) corporate application
Driver’s license authenticity inquiry
Driver’s License Inquiry
International Driver’s License Inquiry
Driver’s License Demerit Points Inquiry
Query driver’s license suspension period
Query disqualification period for driver’s license
7-year accident-free inquiry
Driving experience certificate inquiry
Driving experience certificate inquiry (English)
Good driving mileage application
Traffic Accident Fact Checker Inquiry
Traffic Accident Investigation Reservation
Text notification service application
Mobile Electronic Notice Sending Information
Online registered mail delivery information
Traffic fines and fines
2nd fine
extradition order
Notice of seizure (pre-warning)
territorial notice
driver’s license notice
Prior Notice of License Suspension
Notice of license suspension decision
Prior notice of license cancellation
Notice of decision to revoke license
Notice of conditional license cancellation decision
Frequently Asked Questions
site map
Information Use
☞ Information on corporate user log-in (registration procedure)
☞ Information on corporate user log-in (registration procedure)
※ Only administrative digital signature certificate (GPKI) and joint certificate (NPKI) can be used.
※ Joint certificate, keyboard security, web security error inquiries (nxbiz, TouchEnKey, TouchEnWeb): 1644-4128

This is a membership subscription service provided by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security (https://www.onepass.go.kr).
As an integrated membership subscription service, you can connect to the Ministry of Public Administration and Security with one ID.
You can use e-government sites.

Integrity portal of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, the integrated management system of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
There is a website operated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
[Check linked service details (click)]

Inquiries about using Digital One Pass: 1533-3713 (weekdays 9-18:00 / excluding holidays)

속도위반 실시간 조회

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