어린이 비만도 계산기 Child Obesity Calculator

Obesity calculator, the easiest calculation method (+ child obesity calculator)
어린이 비만도 계산기

It is likely to be small,” he warned, saying that this situation is contributing to the increase in childhood obesity.
Child obesity problem in Mediterranean countries

Childhood obesity is a nutritional disorder that appears from infancy to adolescence and occurs when the amount of calories consumed is greater than the amount of energy consumed. Low calorie consumption due to irregular intake of high-calorie foods and low-activity lifestyle is cited as the cause. Since only childhood obesity has problems with growth, please check your child’s obesity level through the child obesity index calculator and proceed with treatment.


어린이 비만도 계산기

The method for measuring child obesity is simple.

You can look at the value that came out as weight (kg) ÷ (height (m) × height (m)).

For example, if your child is 130 cm tall and weighs 40 kg,

40 ÷ ( 1.3 × 1.3) gives you a body mass index (BMI) of 23.67.

A body mass index of 20 to 24 is considered standard, 25 to 29 is overweight, and 30 or more is considered obese. However, since this is only based on height and weight and does not include body fat and muscle mass, it is not an absolute figure, so you can just think of it as a reference.

If childhood obesity gets worse, the secretion of sex hormones becomes vigorous, which can lead to precocious puberty. This makes the secondary sexual characteristics come quickly, and because of that, the growth plate can be closed immediately after growing quickly for a short period of time.

In addition, if you gain weight when you are young, not only the size of mast cells increases, but there is a risk that the number will also increase. The size can be reduced through daily management, but it is difficult to reduce the number. So, even as an adult, you can easily gain weight, so childhood obesity is more dangerous than adult obesity.

If you manage your weight well from a young age and measure your child’s obesity through a calculator, then if your child is overweight or obese, you should correct your child’s lifestyle from this point on.

First, you need to change your unhealthy eating habits. These days, there are many cases where meals are replaced with bread or snacks instead of rice, and since childhood, it is easy to access high-calorie, greasy foods such as pizza and chicken. Or skip meals in between.

This is a lifestyle that makes it easy to gain weight, so you should eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but make up a healthy diet. It is basic to eat carbohydrates, proteins, and fats that are helpful for growth, and it is good to take calcium, vitamins, and minerals.

At this time, you can also try eating low-fat, high-fiber foods, vegetables and fruits. It is better to chew slowly than to eat quickly, and to eat bland rather than salty.

In addition, it is also helpful to replace snacks with nuts rather than snacks that children eat a lot.

If your child has a high degree of obesity through the child obesity calculator, it is good to exercise regularly. In winter, if you spend more time indoors because of the cold weather, now that the weather has eased up, you should let them go outside and play hard. You should be physically active at least 3 times a week

Let’s look at why young children gain weight due to poor living conditions in a hypothetical situation.

Mr. f was worried when he saw his children playing games at home instead of playing with friends during vacation. As I tried to eat only bread or snacks instead of rice, I started gaining weight naturally. When the vacation was over, I saw that I had gained a whopping 5 kg, so I decided to find a way to make it move.

You have to learn good habits from a young age so that you can have healthy habits even as an adult.

As such, parents should pay close attention so that they can live a regular life, and if overweight or childhood obesity comes out as a result of the child obesity calculator, you need to help them live a regular life while correcting bad habits.

If you reduce the use of smartphones or computers, move your body steadily and consume calories, you will be able to grow up healthily.
[Source] Child Obesity Calculator Check your child’s condition | Author Poly Oriental Clinic Okgil Siheung