로젠택배 실시간 위치 추적 3 Ways to Track Rosen Courier Delivery

3 Ways to Track Rosen Courier Delivery

Do you use courier a lot? Among the various courier companies, Rosen Courier is used a lot. After purchasing, there are many cases where you want to receive the goods quickly and check the location. In my case, I tend to check several times from the delivery warehouse to the location change until I receive the parcel. There are three ways to track Rosen Courier delivery. Let’s check it out.

3 Ways to Track Rosen Courier Delivery 로젠택배 실시간 위치 추적

로젠택배 실시간 위치 추적

1. How to search for Rosen Courier delivery through Naver search

1) This is the simplest method. If you type ‘Rozen courier delivery inquiry’ on Naver, you can also search for courier delivery on Naver as shown below. 비지니스헬퍼



3 Ways to Track Rosen Courier Delivery


2) Very simply, it shows only the received minutes, processing date, current location and delivery status. If you just want simple information, this is enough.



3 Ways to Track Rosen Courier Delivery

2. The second method is to directly inquire about delivery through the Rosen courier company.

1) If you type ‘Rozen Courier delivery inquiry’ on Naver above, you can simply search for delivery on the Rosen Courier website at the ‘Website’ location below.



3 Ways to Track Rosen Courier Delivery

2) As soon as you enter, it opens like this. Enter the waybill number and search. (Please enter only the numbers!)


3 Ways to Track Rosen Courier Delivery


3) More detailed information appears than if you search directly on Naver. If you want to get detailed courier information, it would be better to go directly to the Rosen Courier website. Item information, shipping information, delivery office information (there is also the contact information of the delivery man!) Finally, the third method.



3 Ways to Track Rosen Courier Delivery

3. Third method – How to check Rosen Courier delivery through mobile web

1) ‘Download Rosen Courier Mobile, then complete mobile phone authentication after consent’.


3 Ways to Track Rosen Courier Delivery


2) Enter the cell phone verification number and ‘enter 11 digits of the transportation room number’. Simple, right?



3 Ways to Track Rosen Courier Delivery


Any help? We looked at 3 ways to track the delivery of Rosen Express. thank you I hope you and your children have a happy Children’s Day. thank you