주거급여 신청자격 및 신청방법 (feat.총정리) Housing benefit application qualifications and application method (feat. Summary)

Let’s find out the eligibility to apply for housing benefit. There are many people who are having a hard time even paying the monthly rent because the economic situation is not good.


Accordingly, the government has expanded the eligibility for housing benefits from 46% to 47% of the median income. Therefore, those who were not previously eligible for housing benefit may be eligible to apply for housing benefit. In this section, we will discuss how to apply for housing benefit.



Qualifications for Housing Allowance주거급여 신청자격
Qualifications for Applying for Housing Allowance Income and Property Criteria
Housing benefit application qualification Welfare Road website
Housing benefit support amount
How to apply for housing benefit

Qualifications for Housing Allowance



주거급여 신청자격


Housing allowance is a type of basic livelihood security system that supports rent or maintenance and repair costs so that basic recipients can live a stable residential life.



The standard for qualifying for housing benefit is the recognized income converted from one’s monthly income and property.

47% of the median income based on eligibility for housing benefit in 2023 is KRW 976,609 for a single-person household and KRW 1,624,393 for a two-person household. For detailed housing benefit application qualifications, it is most accurate to refer to the Welfare Lo website.


Check the housing benefit median income website 👆


Qualifications for Applying for Housing Allowance Income and Property Criteria


The recognized income is calculated as the monthly income evaluation + the monthly income conversion of the property, but it is a bit complicated.

The monthly income evaluation is calculated as 0.7 × (earned income – KRW 1.08 million) + other income, and the monthly income conversion of property is (general property – basic property) + (financial property – KRW 20 million) debt × 4%. Here, general property is land, buildings, houses, etc. Basic property is the deductible amount, which differs by region. It is difficult to calculate and very complex.


Go to the government housing benefit website self-diagnosis👆


The government housing benefit website provides a self-diagnosis of eligibility for housing benefit.



Housing benefit application qualification Welfare Road website


In the easiest way, if you simulate a homepage with welfare, it will come out right away. If you enter only your income and assets, your monthly income will come out.


Go to Calculate the Recognized Income website 👆


If you click welfare service at the top left of the homepage, there is ‘national basic livelihood security’ in the simulated calculation. If you enter your income information and property information here, the recognized income amount will appear.

Basic pension simulation calculation 👆



Housing benefit support amount

If you are eligible for housing benefit, you can comprehensively analyze housing expenses and receive housing expenses for the low-income class.


The amount of subsidy for renting households is provided for rent on a jeonse or monthly basis, and the subsidy amount varies depending on the number of households and region. For example, in Seoul, a family of 4 can receive up to KRW 510,000.


If you are a non-rental household, you will receive support for repair and maintenance expenses such as wallpapering and flooring. Repair and maintenance costs are applied differently depending on the amount of recognized income, and 100% of repair costs are subsidized when it is below the living allowance selection standard. It is accurate to check the homepage for details of the housing benefit support amount.


Go to Housing Benefit Government Website 👆


How to apply for housing benefit

If you qualify for housing benefits through simulated calculation on the Bokbokro homepage, you can apply online at the Eup, Myeon, or Dong administrative welfare center of your address on your resident registration or at the Bokbokro homepage. You can also apply through the app as a mobile app welfare.