청년층 신용상승 지원 신청방법 및 지원자격 How to apply for credit increase support for young people and eligibility

청년층 신용상승 지원 신청방법From April 3rd, 2023, we are recruiting people who are eligible for debt adjustment, which provides 400,000 won per person for credit increase incentives to young people. This project is a project in which the Credit Card Social Contribution Foundation and the Credit Committee support credit increase incentives of up to 400,000 won per person for young people whose credit score has increased over a certain period of time. If you are a young man under the age of 39 and are currently recovering your credit, go ahead and apply.


1. Qualifications for 400,000 won credit increase incentive support per person

– Faithful credit recovery patient (debt restructuring performer)

– Receive a small credit card or deferred payment transportation check card and use it normally (Industrial Bank, Shinhan Bank)

– A 39-year-old youth

– 425 people selected from among those who meet all of the above conditions



청년층 신용상승 지원 신청방법



2. How to apply for 400,000 won per person credit increase incentive support

– You can apply through the Credit Membership Committee mobile app from April 3rd to April 17th

– Mobile Application

– PC web application

3. 400,000 won per person credit increase incentive payment process

1) Selecting recipients of the Youth Credit Rise Support Project (check credit score)

2) A lump sum payment of 100,000 won to 425 confirmed recipients

3) Use credit welfare consulting (credit helper or credit consulting) supported by the Credit Recovery Committee at least once and complete credit management training at the Credit Education Center

4) Confirmation of credit score and use of credit welfare consulting at the time of business termination

5) 300,000 won in credit increase support for those with a credit score of 20 points or more



4. Overview of Youth Credit Rise Support Project

– For young people who faithfully use microcredit (check) cards

– Establishment of foundation to improve credit score through credit management education and credit welfare consulting

– Payment of incentives according to credit score increase

– Utilize 170 million won of donations from the Credit Card Foundation



5. Notice

– Limited to a 39-year-old youth who is using a small-amount credit (check) card issued in connection with the Credit Recovery Committee or a deferred payment transportation check card

– Comparing/contrasting the credit score based on the date of confirmation of the project with the credit score based on the date of completion of the project, the second subsidy is provided only to those who have increased their credit score by at least 20 points from KCB or NICE is not allowed to apply for duplicate)

– You must have an account in your name to apply and pay incentives (if the name of the account holder and the applicant’s name do not match, payment is not possible)