화물운송자격증 시험 문제 Freight transport license test questions

What is a freight forwarder license?

To secure the expertise of truck drivers, improve transportation services, and foster safe operation and sound freight transportation

You must obtain a freight forwarder license to drive a commercial truck.

화물운송자격증 시험 문제

Find out what part is different from the general license, what the test subjects and passing standards are, and past exam questions 화물운송자격증 시험 문제

Let’s see where we can get it

* Drivers of business (business use) and lorry (contract, individual, general cargo) drivers must acquire a cargo transportation license. 좋은뉴스 

can drive

(Business lorry refers to a lorry registered for the purpose of paid transportation, and has a yellow license plate for business use.

refers to the vehicle equipped)

The procedure for carrying out the cargo transport worker certification test is as follows:

You must go through three stages: driver aptitude test, written test, and 8-hour online legal education

driving test

You can think of it as a vocational aptitude test that scientifically measures an individual’s personality and psychophysiological behavioral characteristics.

You can take the driving precision test after making an online reservation (it takes about 120 minutes)


In-person reception is not possible, so you must make an online reservation before checking in, and it is weekdays Monday-Friday (excluding holidays).


Go to Pre-Driving Inspection Reservation

* test subject

– Traffic and cargo related laws and regulations (25 questions)

– Cargo handling tips (15 questions)

– Safety driving tips (25 questions)

– Transportation service (15 questions)

(Passing criteria: 60 out of 100 points, 48 out of 80 questions must be correct to pass)


Go to Application for Freight Transport Worker’s License

* Information on the application process

Selection of qualifications for application submission – Confirmation items for application submission – Selection of test location – Fill out application form – Completed application


* 2 years (730 days) of driving experience

(Must be over 20 years old)


Freight transport worker certification exam questions

Freight forwarder license fee

Written application 11,500 won / Court training for successful applicants 11,500 won / Certificate issuance 10,000 won


After completing the writing, you can get a freight forwarder license by completing 8 hours of online training.

So far, I have learned about the freight forwarder license test.