스마트폰 공기계 활용법 How to use a smartphone air system

Today, I would like to tell you how to use a smartphone machine that can be used by taking out a smartphone that is not in use and left in the desk drawer.


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​스마트폰 공기계 활용법

Every house probably has at least one Android phone that is not in use.

Don’t you have one at your neighbor’s house?

​These days, how to use a smartphone air system there are many cases of purchasing a new phone before the contract ends, so the replacement cycle is short, and it is difficult to sell as used, and it does not sell well. So today, I would like to introduce you to how to use your spare smartphone phone system.

If it is a space where only Wi-Fi is used freely, the ways to use it may be limitless.

Nevertheless, I will try to explain the 5 most representative methods.

Honestly, before smartphones became commonplace.

Radio, phone, video, and various other devices were needed separately.

At some point, we’re all dependent on one smartphone, from calendars to clocks.

There are far more ways to use it than we think, and we may not be aware of it.

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Even if you don’t have a SIM in your smartphone, if you have Wi-Fi, you can do all of the things below.

that’s really cool

if wifi is available

Check your email

Listening to music

Watch a movie

Internet search


Non-face-to-face video conference

All of these are possible.

Use where there is no Wi-Fi

Clock, alarm, recorder, etc. are functions that can be done with just a smartphone without Wi-Fi.

Instead of leaving it in the drawer, let’s take it out and use it.스마트폰 공기계 활용법