2024 보령 머드축제 일정Introducing the Daecheon Winter Sea Love Festival.
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Boryeong Festival Tourism Foundation
Mud cosmetics
2nd menu name
2nd menu name
The birth of Boryeong mud
Origin of the Mud Festival
Until the early 1990s, Daecheon Beach was perceived as dirty seawater due to mud, and the exorbitant prices were so extreme that there was a saying, “You earn a month, you live for a year,” so it was perceived as a beach in crisis that was shunned by tourists. In addition, the government’s coal industry rationalization measures led to the closure of coal mines in the Boryeong area, putting the local economy in a very serious situation.
In 1994, when Daecheon Mayor Park Sang-don was in office (at the time, it was divided into Boryeong-gun and Daecheon-si), while contemplating what to do to revitalize the Boryeong region’s economy, he took inspiration from a scene in a TV movie where people enjoy dating while smearing their entire bodies with mud, and created Daecheon. In order to develop mud pack cosmetics as a core tourism product using the mud found around the beach, a proposal was made to a related cosmetics company, laying the foundation for the first business.
Mayor Park Sang-don found that Boryeong mud was listed as having the best quality in the ‘Survey of Mud Composition of Major Beaches Nationwide’ among mud-related research papers written by Dr. Jae-baek Kim, a professor at the College of Pharmacy at Wonkwang University, and the Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology and Korea’s leading cosmetics company. Pacific Co., Ltd., a company, reveals that Boryeong mud is harmless to the human body through ingredient requests.
In July 1994, Daecheon Beach opened a mud experience center called “Daecheon Natural Mud Massage House” and began promoting it to general beachgoers. Although it was only a small-scale event compared to the current Boryeong Mud Festival, mainly foreigners participated in the event. The publicity effect was very great.
Thanks to these success stories, Boryeong Mud was published and reported in various media, creating a very strong response, and in September 1995, the Boryeong Mud Pack project was launched as a national management project organized by the Ministry of the Interior (currently the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs) to encourage management mindset in the era of popularly elected autonomy. We achieved great success by winning the grand prize at the administrative competition.
Based on this, during the time of Mayor Kim Hak-hyun, who took office as the first popularly elected mayor in July 1995, he promoted the ‘mud business using Boryeong’s natural sea mud’ and developed eight types of mud cosmetics, including mud packs, in 1996 and 1997, but they were not sold due to lack of recognition. Support was sluggish.
Meanwhile, Boryeong City was holding a total of 5 festivals in 1997 (Crab Festival, Manse Boryeong Cultural Festival, Hannae Stone Bridge Stepping, Cheonbuk Oyster Festival, and Daecheon Beach Cultural Festival), and the Boryeong City Culture and Tourism Department conducted a research project on ways to improve the Manse Boryeong Cultural Festival festival. ‘, Professor Jeong Kang-hwan of Pai Chai University participated as a research director to change the Manse Boryeong Cultural Festival from focusing on local residents to attracting tourists, designating the format of the festival as a cultural tourism festival, and establishing the festival in 1998 to transform it into a representative tourism festival in South Chungcheong Province. The Mud Festival was first proposed as a specialized theme.
The results of Professor Jeong’s research service show that rather than changing the format of the Manse Boryeong Cultural Festival as a resident-harmonizing festival, Boryeong City decided to raise the stake and hold it as a new cultural tourism-type festival, and to implement the proposed mud experience programs based on them and promote mud cosmetics. The 1st Boryeong Mud Festival was held at Daecheon Beach for four days from July 16, 1998, and achieved results that exceeded expectations.
Professor Jeong was a member of the Culture and Tourism Festival Review Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism at the time and appealed the possibility of the Mud Festival to the central government, contributing to its selection as a cultural and tourism festival, providing an opportunity for the festival to take its first step from the starting point to a national festival. In recognition of his contribution to planning and developing the Boryeong Mud Festival, he received an honorary citizen of Boryeong City.
Since then, the Boryeong Mud Festival has grown and developed into the best festival in Korea, designated by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, thanks to the numerous tourists who participated in the festival, transcending nationality, race, and age, and was able to create the global Boryeong Mud Festival that it is today.
The world’s largest summer festival enjoyed by everyone as one.
We invite you.
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