Fortune-telling for the Year of the Dog for 2022 | We will learn about overall luck, money luck, business luck, entertainment luck, and health luck.
2022 is the year of the tiger, and the year of Imin (壬寅年) is the 39th year of the zodiac.
When looking at fortunes, there are a lot of people who usually see fortunes based on ‘Sajju Myungrihak’. Today, let’s check the fortune for 2022 through ‘Jamidusu’, not ‘Sajjumyeongrihak’.
‘Jamidusu’ is a Neo-Confucianism that predicts the flow of humans and the world through the principles of the stars, invented by Jin Hee-i, an ancient Chinese scholar, while he was praying.
In general, many people are interested because they can tell you more about yourself as much as you do, and you can also learn about the future.
‘Jamidusu’, which belongs to Oriental astrology, is to look at what I want to do now from a macroscopic perspective to see what kind of flow it has in my life.
In the case of Four Jumyeongrihak, it is very difficult to see the fortunes of these theories because there are different perspectives on how to see the fortunes of these theories as there is a lot of information implied in the eight letters because all life history must be solved with only 8 letters.
On the other hand, ‘Jamidusu’ has more specificity by expanding the space and diversifying the composition through the 12 signs and more than 100 stars of the eight characters of the four-jumyeongrihak.
‘Jami-dusu’ has less connotative and direct language than the four weeks, so it is much easier to understand the fortunes than the four weeks mythology, and it can be said that it is more objective and clear in solving fortunes as it allows you to see various issues through various combinations.
Below, we will take a look at overall luck, financial luck, entertainment luck, business luck, and health luck for the year of 2022, which is interpreted as a ‘number of words’ for the horoscope for the year of the dog in 2022.
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1. Fortune-telling for the year of the dog in 2022
2022 – Year of the Dog – Horoscope
2022 – Year of the Dog – Horoscope
In 2022, the Year of the Dogs will finally get out of the bad luck of last year’s 2021 year. 2022년 개띠 운세
In 2022, since the Dogs will form a triad in their posture, their fortunes will rise in many ways, and it is expected that they will receive great help. 좋은뉴스
In addition, the fortunes will be very good compared to last year because of the good luck, and the Dogs should actively catch these good fortunes.
First of all, good ideas and inspiration can arise from the influence of the virtuous character of Hwagae (華蓋), so this year will be very advantageous for creative activities for writers, editorial, creative, art, and newspaper media. Also the material will be endless.
However, partnerships with other people are not very good, so it is better to do most of the work yourself.
In the aspect of affection for the dog, it is not affected by any special good qualities, so it is rather flat.
Especially if you’re single, with little intention of dating, you’ll just enjoy being single, and you may not have many chances to meet your lover.
Dogs who have a lover or spouse may find their relationship relatively apathetic and may lead to resentment from their lover.
In terms of health luck, it can be said that the influence of the busts is very large.
You should be careful because the bad traits such as white tiger, biryeom, and hwangbeon adversely affect the health of the dogs. You have to be careful as it is easy to bite and injure you.
Biryeom, a bad name, mainly means a sudden loss of money, so you should be careful about dangerous hobbies or driving as there may be unexpected disasters.
The aggression called yellow beetle mainly affects negatively emotionally.
The stress of the dogs will be great due to work stress and problems with lovers, but life becomes more difficult with the addition of the hwangbeon.
Therefore, this year, the Dogs need to get rid of their discomfort in time, complain to their relatives, take a vacation, and get adequate rest to stay healthy.
2. Fortune in the Year of the Dog
You can get a very good income in 2022 because your dog’s money fortune rises with the help of good luck.
Under the influence of Hwagae’s auspicious nature, you will have endless ideas on the job, which may result in a higher position or higher income.
However, since the lucidity of Hwagae does not mean great wealth, those who run a business or business may not receive so conspicuously wealth, and if they ignore others’ recommendations, whether it is an investment or a partnership, they may be at a loss if they act arbitrarily. do.
It’s also a good idea to be careful with your investments as you won’t be omnipresent this year, so it’s a good idea to be prudent in your investments and use your money to take care of your health.
3. Good luck in the year of the dog
Dogs in 2022 must be vigilant and careful, as they have poor overall health due to the threat of feral character.
There are white tigers, biryeom, and hwangbeon as bad traits that adversely affect health.
It is easy to get hurt by the influence of the white tiger, and it is easy to bleed when attacked by animals, so it is better to be wary of dogs and cats around you, and it is recommended to refrain from going to the zoo.
In addition, it is recommended to refrain from high-risk hobbies such as rock climbing and diving, as unforeseen disasters may occur due to the influence of biryeom. And as a driver, you need to be careful about road safety.
Yellow yellow mainly affects the emotional and mental health of Dogs.
Dogs in 2022 may feel very lonely, have no one to understand them, may feel frustrated, and in severe cases may suffer from insomnia, so be careful.
Therefore, it is good to be able to relieve stress in a timely manner, and it is better to solve the core by not thinking too much about unnecessary thoughts on your own when you are faced with a problem.
4. Business Luck in the Year of the Dog
Business and career luck in the year of the Dog in 2022 are half good and half bad.
If you want to progress professionally, you have to pay attention to a lot of things and put more effort into it.
The auspicious nature of Hwagae has two sides.
Dogs in creative and art-related industries will make a lot of money this year, and will have the opportunity to get promotions and higher wages.
But in other ways, it can also mean arrogance and arrogance, which can be at a disadvantage for dogs who work in areas that involve tact and criticism, such as sales and lawyers.
In the case of ordinary office workers, it is normal, but work life may not be smooth because of the large negative effect of the fire.
You have to be careful about your relationships and your words and actions with your colleagues because your self-confidence grows and you always feel that you are higher than others, and you can ignore those around you.
5. Love Luck in the Year of the Dog
It can be said that love luck in the Year of the Dog in 2022 is normal.
Lim In-nyeon has no conflicts with the posture of the dogs, and it is good with the help of good luck, but it does not have much effect on love luck.
It doesn’t cost a lot of luck, and to make matters worse, there is a negative influence of the star called Hwagae, so it will be difficult for single dogs to develop into lovers even if they meet the opposite sex, and dogs themselves can feel more comfortable with their single life. .
In addition, under the influence of the white tiger (白虎), you can meet the opposite sex with a quick temper, and it can be difficult to get out of singles due to frequent emotional fights.
Dogs who are in a relationship or married may be resentful of their companions for not being able to lead an emotional life because they are stressed from work.