휴일지킴이 약국(feat. 토요일, 일요일, 공휴일, 야간 약국 찾기) Holiday Keeper Pharmacy (feat. Find a pharmacy on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, and nighttime)

Pharmacies that are open on holidays are also called holiday pharmacies, and they are open on Sundays, public holidays, holidays, and at night after 6 p.m. The Holiday Keeper Pharmacy is operated to help people safely use medicines and use medical services. In this blog post, we will look at how to find the Holiday Keeper Pharmacy and what to keep in mind when using it.

휴일지킴이 약국

휴일지킴이 약국


How to find a holiday pharmacy that is open on holidays

Here’s how to find the Holiday Keeper Pharmacy:


Internet search: If you search for ‘Holiday Keeper Pharmacy’ on a search engine such as Naver or Google, you will be directed to the National Health Insurance Corporation’s Hometax¹ site. On the Hometax site, you can check the list and location of the corresponding holiday pharmacy by entering the date and region.


Telephone inquiries: If you call the 1339 call center or 120 Dasan call center, you can receive information about the Holiday Keeper Pharmacy. When inquiring by phone, please tell us your desired date and region.


Smartphone app: If you install the Holiday Keeper Pharmacy app² on your smartphone, you can find a nearby Holiday Keeper Pharmacy using the GPS function. In the app, you can check the name, address, phone number, and business hours of the Holiday Keeper Pharmacy, and you can also find directions using a map or navigation.



Click to go directly to Holiday Keeper Pharmacy



Precautions when using Holiday Keeper Pharmacy
When using the Holiday Keeper Pharmacy, you must pay attention to the following.

Prescription required: You must bring a prescription to purchase medications at Holiday Keeper Pharmacy. Medicines can be purchased without a prescription only in emergencies.


Check dosing instructions and side effects: When purchasing medicines at a holiday pharmacy, you must consult with a pharmacist and check dosing instructions and side effects. Medicines can be harmful to health if used incorrectly, so caution is required.


Keep your receipt: When purchasing medicine at a holiday pharmacy, you must receive a receipt and keep it well. The receipt can be used as proof for deducting medical expenses, and if a problem occurs with the medicine, you can request an exchange or refund.



When you can purchase medicine without a prescription at the Holiday Keeper Pharmacy

This is only possible in emergency cases. For example, you can buy drugs without a prescription if:

When complaining of mild symptoms such as cold, diarrhea, abdominal pain, indigestion, fever, headache, muscle pain, etc.
When a pharmacist directly examines and sells necessary medicines
When repurchasing medicine prescribed by a medical institution (only within 30 days from the date of issuance of the prescription and submitting a copy of the prescription)
However, even in the above cases, the drug may not be sold without a prescription depending on the pharmacist’s judgment. Additionally, medicines that can be purchased without a prescription are limited to over-the-counter medicines, and special or prescription medicines must have a prescription². Therefore, when using a holiday pharmacy, it is recommended to have a prescription ready if possible.