From this week on, financial/treasury tech tips
I try to share about once a week!
There are many things that are lacking, but from a beginner’s point of view
I’m going to write it down, so I hope it helps.
Today I’m going to talk about tax return
Around the beginning of April, you will receive an e-mail from Shingeumtu!
I read what it was 해외주식 양도소득세 신고 방법
Last year’s overseas stock finalized tax return?
What is this? Are you saying something like this happened?
I looked in my mailbox, what was this?
Is there any record of coming in 2020?
I just found it and checked it out now.
Exxon Mobil 5,000 won is a hassle ^^
I want you to do US stocks around you.
So, I was experimenting with it. 부자되는 습관
I completely forgot about it and found it lol
If so, here’s the part to go over!
What is capital gains tax?
When an individual transfers real estate or stock
about the income generated by
Meaning tax to be charged!
If you still have it, it doesn’t apply.
If you make a profit by selling
You will have to pay for that profit.
Overseas Stock Tax Base
So, let’s see what the criteria are.
To put it simply, if the profit I realized is more than 250,000 won,
It is subject to capital gains tax return!
The brokerage company provides a free reporting agency service.
Nothing difficult at all
The deadline to report is from 5/1 to 5/31
You are paying for the previous year!
20% of non-reported penalty
0.03% penalty for failure to pay (per day)
Please do not forget to take it as it happens.
How to report
For the convenience of customers at the brokerage
We provide a free reporting agency service!
It was up to 5/6 based on Shinhan Financial Investment, right? hehe
Writing before the deadline…It would be useful to check the schedule in advance!
This is my last year’s overseas stock taxation data.
A Tesla I bought and sold to taste.
It’s a pity that I sold it too early
Selling is God’s domain, so I’m glad I didn’t lose it!
I am less than the basic deduction amount, so this report is pass
I’ve been studying little by little this year.
What will be the subject of report and payment next year
This is my humble goal! hehe
Jurin’s neighbors are also with us!
Payment method
1) Deposit into virtual account
Deposit to the account number indicated on the payment slip
This is the simplest way.
2) Internet payment
In case of capital gains tax (20%), home tax,
Witax for local income tax (2%)
There are cumbersome parts to enter each separately!
Tips here!
If you go through the mobile Giro app
Note that it can be processed at one time!
If the payment amount is large, this is burdensome again, right?
No worries! It is also possible to pay in installments,
You can also pay by credit card
I think you should do it according to your individual circumstances!
How to report foreign stock capital gains tax
I found out. Assuming you earn 260 million won
You have to pay around 50,000 won, which is a pretty big percentage.
You’ll feel like you’ve got it!
It is almost impossible to calculate this and invest
Hope this helps and I’ll be back with more advanced content!