학교문화 책임규약 알아보기 Learn about the school culture responsibility code

School violence, which must be eradicated and preventative measures must be taken against the victims, is still heard in the news everywhere.

Today, I would like to talk about changes that can be expected regarding school violence.

학교문화 책임규약

학교문화 책임규약

Strict response to serious school violence

Strengthening student record records and management: Extension of retention period for measures against offenders in student records to up to 4 years

Reinforcement of deliberation and deletion requirements: Check whether the victim agrees/Check whether administrative judgment or litigation will proceed


Strengthening protective measures focusing on victims

Immediate separation period: separation time extended to a maximum of 7 days

Strengthening emergency measures by school principals: ‘Class change’ added to emergency measures for offending students


Strengthening the school violence response capacity of each school

Operation of the Zero School Violence Center: Integrated support is provided by the Zero School Violence Centers of all educational support offices across the country.

School violence case investigation

Damage recovery. Support for improving relationships

We provide legal advice to victims.

Strengthen the educational coordination function of schools.

Expanding the scope of school principals’ own solutions

Protecting teaching rights and improving conditions for responsible teachers

School – Student – Parent School Culture Responsibility Code Operation


School violence case investigations are handled by a dedicated school violence investigator.

Securing professionalism and fairness: Appointed by the Superintendent of Education (Chief of Education) to confirm whether or not there is school violence. A designated school violence investigator will conduct an investigation into the case.

Contents that strengthen the educational coordination function of schools

Protection of victim students

Improving victim-offender relationship

Student life guidance, etc.


Promising a violence-free school culture through the school culture responsibility code

What is the School Culture Responsibility Code?

This is a code by which all school members, including students, teachers, and parents, confirm the contents and responsibilities for school violence and practice and promise to create a violence-free school culture. ‘

In a practical way

(Preparation) Establish consensus ▶ (Plan) Establish operation plan ▶ (Implementation) Collect member opinions ▶ (Return) Disclose regulations

How to participate

Schools, grades, and classes participate in signature campaigns in connection with events and educational activities.


From a renowned academy

Have you seen the changed school violence system?

The action record of the offending student will be revised starting this March.

By systematically managing and extending the preservation period by 4 years,

When school violence is committed

You may be disadvantaged even after entering school or graduating.

Contributing to the prevention of school violence by raising awareness of

That’s something to look forward to.

But more importantly, our children suffer from school violence.

It is not just a joke, but a physical and mental

Violence that is difficult to recover from

To create awareness at home and at school

I think we need guidance.