피부관리사 자격증 Real review of one-pass written and practical exam for skin care national certification

Last year, when I suddenly had time, I was wondering what to do.
I was thinking of taking the national skin care certification exam.
I started preparing for the national skin care certification exam.

Hairdresser (general) has already acquired the qualifications.
If you only get a hairdresser (skin), you can change to a hairdresser (general).
I immediately bought a skin beautician certification writing book.

As I always say~ I crammed the day before the skin writing certification test.
Just memorize the answers to the questions and pass the written exam right away.

Because I got busy with work after taking the written skin test.
A year passed without me being able to register for the academy.

Then recently I became free again.

For the national certification practical test, you only need to pass the practical test within 2 years of passing the written test, so before time passes
Let’s register for the academy quickly! After registering at the skin care academy,
I went to an academy for about a month and a half and prepared for the skin test.

피부관리사 자격증


First, check the skin test preparations and register for the academy!
There are a lot of preparation materials for the skin care national certification practical exam.
Even when going for an exam, everyone takes one suitcase and one shopping bag.
It’s enough to carry around ㅜㅜ
I will write down the details of my luggage as I organize the photos below.

피부관리사 자격증


Task 1: Wagon setting,
In the basket, skin, toner, cream, enzyme, gomage, scrub, aha
Cream pack, cleansing cream, aloe gel, nutritional cream, i.lip cream,
Point makeup remover, rubber ball, plaster mask, modeling mask, base cream, cotton box, spatula, alcohol disinfectant, pack brush, water bottle,
You will need a tray, tongs, sponge balls, sponges, tissue paper, 2 baskets of 8 glass balls, etc.




Task 2: Wagon setting
Basket, wooden spatula, non-woven fabric, tweezers, alcohol disinfectant,
Aloe gel, oil, skin lotion, talcum powder, paper cup,
Cotton pad, 2 glass balls, tray, tongs, tissue paper, basket
I need it ^^ Prepare well,




I have a large suitcase
I prepared this for the test in my cosmetics bag.

If you go to take the skin care national certification test,
There is a separate waiting room for testers.

Even though I arrived 2 hours before the test start time,
There were quite a few people who came before me.

When I arrived, I changed clothes and prepared hair spray.
I got ready with my hair all tied back.
The model applied powder and pink shadow to her eyelids and cheeks.
Before applying mascara to my lips and eye line, I applied Vaseline and did my makeup. But applying Vaseline didn’t help much.

Then, we organized the items to set up on the wagon and were ready to go.

For your information, it is difficult for me to apply.
I applied to Gyeonggi Management High School (Bucheon) and went hahaha.


First of all, the practical exam for the national certification in skin care is

<Task 1>
1. Create a management plan (10 minutes / 5 points)
2. Cleansing (15 minutes / 9 points)
3. Eyebrow grooming (5 minutes / 5 points)
4. Deep cleansing (10 minutes / 7 points)
5. Manual technique (15 minutes / 10 points)
6. Cream pack (10 minutes / 6 points)
7. Mask (20 minutes / 8 points)

<Task 2>
1. Arms (10 minutes / 8 points)
2. Bridge (15 minutes / 10 points)
3. Hair removal (10 minutes / 7 points)

<Task 3>
1. Lymphatic Dreniege (15 minutes / 15 points)

The test is divided into three major tasks.


For me, task 1 is to create a management plan.


I organized it in an easy to memorize way.
I memorized it 3 days before the test haha.

I went to the testing center and filled out the customer management chart for the national skin care certification practical exam without any problems.

For reference, please fill out the customer management chart at the testing center.
I have to listen to the supervisor’s explanation and check it out.
Please do not check the information first during the explanation just because you know it!

<Task 1>
1. Cleansing

Cleanse for 10 minutes
Finish with tissue, sponge, warm compress, and toner for 5 minutes.

I didn’t wear a motel turban before cleansing.
Start cleansing! After disinfecting my hands, I put on a turban.
After disinfecting my hands again, I started cleansing.
The cleansing time was slightly delayed, so while applying the toner,
Test time is over!

Point makeup is done before makeup.
I put a lot of Vaseline on my hairline, lips, and eyelids.
But, it seems like it’s the same whether you do it or not.
Looking at other people’s reviews, I heard that they soaked a few cotton pads in a cotton container with oil remover before going, but I think that would be much better.

2. Eyebrow trimming

When you start grooming your eyebrows, disinfect your hands and place a tissue on the right side of the model.
Lay out 3 cotton pads, tweezers, eyebrow comb, eyebrow knife, and eyebrow scissors.
Wipe it with an alcohol cotton pad and place it on a tissue.
Comb your eyebrows with an eyebrow comb and cut your eyebrows with eyebrow scissors.
When the supervisor comes, pull out the eyebrows while tensioning them with tweezers, place the plucked eyebrows on a cotton pad, and trim around the eyebrows with an eyebrow knife.
Finish by applying a generous amount of aloe.

During the eyebrow grooming process, I was able to pull out a single eyebrow without any problems.

3. Deep cleansing (Gomajwi)

Sanitize your hands, plug your ears, wear a hairline tissue, and squeeze a little into the glass ball.
Apply in the order of forehead, cheeks, and chin, then place a cotton pad over the eyes and mouth.
After taking it off and pushing it along the skin, fill the glass ball with water and roll it once, and finish with a sponge, warm compress, or skin toner.

There were some people who didn’t wear tissues around their hairline.
For the person on the left, put a tissue along me.
The person on the right didn’t do it, so I was confused as well…

4. Manual technique

After disinfecting your hands, scoop the cream into a glass bowl with a spatula and let it melt on your hands.
I tried to control my strength and take it slow.

5. Cream pack (corrected paper)

When I started, I should have put it in a cream pack bowl and placed it on the right side of the model, but I forgot. Even though the supervisor came and told me, I didn’t understand. I realized it later when I was finishing up after looking at the person next to me, but the supervisor had already taken it out and looked at it, so I passed.
You have to apply it for 5 minutes and finish it for 5 minutes.
When I started applying it to my neck, he said there were 5 minutes left.
If you apply it in a hurry, it sticks to your hand and you can just wipe the cream pack off.
I think I used 10 sponges… I think I made a good decision to prepare enough.
However, an unfortunate incident occurred where people followed people to get hot compresses…
Before taking it out, I came to my senses and finished it off with a cold compress.

Soak the sponge sufficiently in water before starting the test!

6.Mask (rubber modeling)

I practice at the academy and when I come home, I only do modeling and plaster.
I practiced a lot on a mannequin.
So the teacher also said that I am good at wearing masks.
I thought it would be no problem, but for some reason lol.
I was so nervous that I only had to do the modeling twice, but I ended up doing it 4 times.
So I was worried that I wouldn’t have enough water, but I did it just right.
It took some time to mix, but I don’t think I was pressed for time because it didn’t take long to spread and it spread cleanly.
However, while mentally mixing up the rubber modeling, I had a bit of a mental breakdown.
I had the misfortune of going to get another hot compress… but I came to my senses again.
Finish with a cold compress.