푸라닭 기프티콘 사용법 Recommended restaurants in Busan::Pura chicken using gifticon (+menu change ㅇ)-review of red pepper mayo boneless

푸라닭 기프티콘 사용법My husband said he had an appointment today and came in after eating.
On her birthday, she gave me a Pura chicken gifticon from her friends.

#How to use Kakao Talk Gift Conpura Chicken

Usually, the person who received the gift immediately
Kakao Talk-> Gift Box-> Received Gift-> “Pura Chicken Gifticon”
If you select this and look at the bottom, there is a button to order, so you can place your order right away.
If you want to change to another menu other than the one you received as a gift,
Just call the store you want to order from

Some stores change, some don’t.
Usually, adding money seems to change everything.


1. Find a “Pura Chicken” store near your house on Baedal Minjok or Naver Map
2. Call the store directly to check whether the order was placed with a gift coupon and whether the menu can be changed.
3. Choose take-out or delivery
(For delivery, you must pay the delivery fee and the additional amount for menu changes)

I like that with #KakaoTalkPuraChickenGifticon
#Pura chicken and pepper mayo chicken order complete!

Based on my house, I ordered it at #Pura Chicken Gaya
3,000 won delivery fee and 4,000 won change from Puradak chicken to boneless red pepper mayo chicken
We decided to pay a total of 7,000 won in cash.

The long-awaited delivery has finally arrived!
Pura Chicken’s signature packaging bag
(I’m ready to eat while watching the show window Queen’s House, which I’m obsessed with these days!)

Luxurious package every time
Red Pepper Mayo Chicken + Black Cheese Ball + Cola 1.25L

#Pura Chicken and Pepper Mayo Chicken #Red Pepper Mayo Chicken
Since the house is Seomyeon, are there three Pura chickens? however
The reason I ordered #Pura Chicken Gaya is,
I’ve tried many other places.
#Puradakgaya Branch I don’t save this sauce…..
It’s so delicious when you eat it with a lot of sauce.

If you just put one #jalapeno on top of #chili pepper mayo chicken
You can also eat spicy fish too deliciously ㅠㅠ
But I ate several.
It’s a bit spicy… But it’s so delicious!!!!!

Next is Setu Setuin #Black Cheese Ball
There are 5 of them, so I’ll probably eat them with my husband.
I think I have 3 husbands and 2

#Black cheese ball omnyomnyom~
Crispy on the outside, chewy on the inside
Like glutinous donuts? I feel like eating
#Black Cheese Balls filled with mozzarella and cheddar cheese
After eating the chicken, it cooled down a bit, so it didn’t stretch.
(Honey~ I ate 3 and left 2 for myself~)
Still very tasty!
As expected, #Pura Chicken Black Cheese Ball is famous for a reason.

#It’s not my money, it’s my husband’s money, my wife’s food~
#Pura Chicken and Pepper Mayo is a taste that comes to mind regularly.
I’m not good at eating spicy food.
especially! I can’t even eat peppers
Once you taste the jalapeno, you can’t get out of it.
#Puradak seems to be the chicken I order the most after #giant whole chicken
That’s how it melts in my mouth! Cracked in my husband’s mouth!
#Black Allio is delicious, just the basic #Pura chicken is also delicious
My husband said he had one more Puradak gifticon left.
With that, this is a new
You have to try #consomaging!
I don’t like #Prinkle style, but since it’s #Puradak, trust me and challenge!
#Red pepper mayo chicken is so delicious….
Hurry up and go eat the leftovers!!!

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푸라닭 기프티콘 사용법
