폐업지원금 Support for business closure

폐업지원금On-screen search
On-screen search
Views: 1342
Number of recommendations: 44

Small business support > Small business closure > Business closure support > Business closure (business reorganization) and recovery support
Hope Return Package (hope.sbiz.or.kr) > Store demolition costs
Views: 2536
Number of recommendations: 481

business name
Support target
Support details
Re-startup commercialization
Closed small business owner
Entrepreneurship training + dedicated mentoring + re-startup funds (up to 20 million won)
Reinforcement of re-challenge capabilities
Closed (planned)
small business
[Basic job change education] Exploration of job skills for employment and operation of on-site and e-learning training to develop employment mindset
[Specialized job change training] Training of corporate talent for employment and operation of job-specific theory and practice training
[Business conversion training] Management education and technical training courses for business conversion and re-startup in non-overcrowded industries
[Job Change Incentive Allowance] Allowance (up to KRW 1 million) is paid for employment activities or successful employment of closed small business owners.
Small business support > Small business closure > Business closure support > Business closure (business reorganization) and recovery support
Article 12 (1) of the Act on the Protection and Support of Small Business Owners
Small Business Market Promotion Agency website (www.semas.or.kr) > Support Projects > Hope Return Package

