토지 실거래가 조회 Value map Real transaction price of land, easily check building information

토지 실거래가 조회prime time

Value Map can intuitively and easily check the actual transaction price of land among real estate-related apps, and provides actual transaction information of commercial real estate such as buildings as well as land.

Value Map provides users with an intuitive and convenient way to check real estate-related information provided by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.

Ai architectural design, a function unique to Value Map, provides design through ai technology on how to build a building in the area.

CAD files and design reports are provided by applying various elements to help when actually building new construction, not just for fun.

Because it provides a vast amount of information, you can easily check only the information you want by using the filtering function, and it can be useful when comparing properties.

In addition to the value map, we will introduce sites and applications that can check land prices.

Disco – Check the actual transaction price based on registration▼
Disco – Actual transaction price confirmed by registration
When the actual transaction price of real estate is suspicious, find out the actual transaction price confirmed by registration. You can check the registration date and building/floor/house information for free. Meet the real deal only at the disco right now!

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport actual transaction price disclosure system▼
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport actual transaction price disclosure system


We learned about the various functions of the value map. In particular, it is recommended that you install and use it because it is a must-use app for those who do land transactions and those who invest in real estate such as auctions.

Good article to look at together

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