크린토피아 영업시간Cleantopia business hours Weekdays 930 ~ 2000 / Weekends 1000 ~ 1800 Business hours of Cleantopia vary by store. Usually open between 9:30 and 10.. In the last post, we looked at the price and how to use Laundrygo, a laundry collection and delivery service. Continue Reading…
Cleantopia business hours vary by store. It is usually from 9:30 am to 8:00 pm on weekdays and from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturdays. The most accurate way to find out the business hours of Cleantopia is to find a branch on the website and call. Continue Reading…
Cleantopia business hours. Weekdays 9:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday 10am – 6pm. Closed on Sundays. If you look at the business hours of Cleantopia, you may feel that they are rather short. When office workers arrive home after work, it is mostly around 8-9 pm, so Saturday laundry is … Continue reading…
Cleantopia is a professional laundry company founded in 1992 by Bogo Industry. Currently, it has 135 branches and 3,000 affiliated stores nationwide. There is at least one Cleantopia laundry room in each neighborhood, and it is a famous laundry service. Today, you can check the schedule such as business hours and holidays of Cleantopia, and check the laundry… Continue reading…
Cleantopia, the oldest in our neighborhood! Opening hours. Weekdays 930 – 2000 . Saturday 930 – 1800 There was another chain store like this, but that one has since disappeared. There are also several laundromats in the neighborhood. Every Wednesday 7% Cleaning Day Sale Every Wednesday Saturday Duvet Washing Day 30% Birthday 20% Continue reading…
Today, let’s look at the price list of Cleantopia~ Now is the era of single-person households!! There are so many products and services for people living alone, such as single-person restaurants, single-person tables, single meals, and single drinks. Among them, I think the service that provides the most convenience is laundry. If you live alone, just work, sleep, eat and repeat… Continue reading…
Cleantopia Coin Wash 24-hour coin self launderette duvet washing dryer price list and business hours. Vacation is already over. A big thing that I haven’t been able to do since I came up from the countryside. Today, I went to the Cleantopia laundromat located in front of my house to wash the blankets that I had been putting off. Open for laundry service … Continue reading…