카카오톡 고객센터 Kakao Talk Customer Center

Occasionally, unexpected problems may occur while using KakaoTalk. In this case, the most convenient way is to call the customer center and ask an agent for a solution. In this time, we will learn how to connect KakaoTalk customer center phone number and agent.

Kakao Talk Customer Center Phone Number
Kakao Talk agent connection
Kakao Talk Customer Center Phone Number

카카오톡 고객센터

In the past, the Kakao Talk customer center phone number was 1577-3754, and using this number, you could talk directly with a counselor and have a consultation.

Talk consultation here means having a conversation with an agent using KakaoTalk messenger, not through voice calls, but through Talk. In some ways, you might think that it is very inconvenient, but personally, talking through chat was not as difficult as I thought, and there were many convenient parts in that the consultation was done through text. How to connect to a Talk Consultant is as follows. 카카오톡 고객센터

Kakao Talk agent connection
Consultation hours: Weekdays 10:00 ~ 18:30 좋은뉴스
To connect with a KakaoTalk agent, you must first run KakaoTalk and log in. Consultation hours are from 10:00 to 18:30 on weekdays. Please note that consultations are not available at other times.

1. Click the three dots icon at the bottom and the gear icon at the top. Then, the Settings window appears, click Customer Center/Help at the bottom.

2. If you click Contact Us, three items appear: Inquiry, Chatbot Consultation, and Frequently Asked Questions. If you want to chat with an agent in real time, click Chatbot Consultation.

3. The Kakao Talk Customer Center dialog window opens, click Connect to a consultant at the bottom. If you send the desired message to the counselor, you can chat in real time.

What if I can’t use the KakaoTalk app?

There may be cases where you have lost your KakaoTalk ID or have been suspended. In this case, unfortunately, you cannot proceed with the real-time chat consultation as above, and you must contact us through the Kakao Customer Center website.

There is no problem in asking and answering a question, but it is recommended that you provide as much detail as possible when asking a question, as it takes 1-2 business days to respond.

Because KakaoTalk does not currently provide a phone consultation service, there is no phone number, so there is no other way than to do a chat consultation or e-mail inquiry. Talk consultation may be unfamiliar at first, but once you use it, it is very convenient. If you have any problems or questions, please contact us through the above method. So far, we have looked at the Kakao Talk customer center phone number and how to connect to an agent.