카무트효소 효능 From diet to blood sugar control…Why you should eat super grain ‘Kamut’ | News/Column | Health Story | hidoc

카무트효소 효능There is a super grain that has been attracting attention recently. ‘Kamut’ is the main character. Kamut was selected as one of the 50 healthiest foods by Time Magazine in 2015, and as it has been officially imported into Korea, the number of people who enjoy eating it is increasing. Kamut | Source: Getty Image Bank
It is low in calories, rich in fiber, and slowly raises blood sugar levels. Kamut is one of the primitive varieties of Khorasan wheat cultivated in ancient Egypt. It was first discovered in the tomb of the Egyptian king Tutankhamun, and is also called ‘the king’s grain.’ Kamut is characterized by its grains being two to three times larger than other wheat crops and having a darker golden color than brown rice. Although it looks similar to brown rice on the outside, it boasts a soft and chewy texture, and the more you chew it, the more savory it becomes. Kamut is rich in essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals compared to regular wheat, and is especially high in dietary fiber. The following is nutritional information for 1 cup (approximately 172 g) of cooked kamut from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Calories: 227 kcal Fat: 1.4 g Sodium: 13.8 mg Carbohydrates: 47.5 g Fiber: 7.4 g Protein: 9.8 g
Compared to other grains, the calories of kamut are lower than oats (389 kcal per 100g), and the dietary fiber is about twice that of brown rice (3.6g per 200g). When dietary fiber dissolves in water, it combines with water and increases viscosity, inhibiting the diffusion rate of carbohydrates. As a result, it has the effect of slowing down the rise in blood sugar, making it ideal as a diet food.
The fact that Kamut slowly raises blood sugar levels has also been proven through research. A paper published in the European Journal of Nutrition in 2016 reported that a kamut-based alternative diet was helpful in controlling blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. The researchers divided 21 patients with type 2 diabetes into two groups. One group ate foods made from kamut powder for 8 weeks, while the other group ate products made from regular flour. As a result, only the group that ate Kamut foods had significant reductions in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, insulin, and blood sugar levels. Rich in vitamins and minerals… Dumkamut has a strong antioxidant effect and is rich in vitamins, minerals, and selenium, an antioxidant. According to Verywell Fit, an American health information site, “One cup of Kamut contains 3.16 mg of zinc (about 28% of the FDA’s recommended daily intake), 253 mg of phosphorus (about 20% of the FDA’s recommended daily intake), and 82.6 mg of magnesium (about 28% of the FDA’s recommended daily intake). “It contains about 19.6% of the intake) and 4 mg of vitamin B3 (about 33% of the FDA recommended daily intake).” In particular, selenium is 55 mcg, which is equivalent to approximately 100% of the recommended daily intake. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant and is known to remove free radicals that cause aging and degeneration of body tissues and promote detoxification. However, caution must be taken as excessive intake may cause side effects such as hair loss, diarrhea, and vomiting. Therefore, the recommended daily intake of Kamut is approximately 80 to 100 g. From rice to bread… How to eat Kamut to preserve its taste and increase its effectiveness. Mix Kamut with rice in a ratio of 7:3 (rice: Kamut) and cook it to enjoy the nutty flavor and unique bursting texture. Also, recently, kamut powder has been used to make bread. Although Kamut bread has a slightly dry texture, it has a stronger antioxidant effect. In the paper ‘Quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of muffins containing kamut powder’ published in the Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science in 2021, the quality and antioxidant activity of muffins were compared according to the ratio of kamut powder. As a result, the higher the ratio of kamut powder, the higher the antioxidant activity level. In particular, in the case of ABTS scavenging activity, it was 06.09 ± 2.47 μmol/g when 0% kamut powder was added in ethanol extraction, and increased to 18.13 ± 0.09 μmol/g when more than 10% was added. A high ABTS scavenging activity level means excellent antioxidant effect. The researchers explained, “Considering physicochemical analysis and antioxidant activity, it is judged that the most appropriate amount of kamut powder added when cooking muffins is 10 to 15%.” In addition, kamut powder can be used to make pizza, cookies, noodles, etc.

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