청년 창업자금대출 조건 Summary of Youth Entrepreneurship Loan Types, Conditions, and Limits 2023

청년 창업자금대출 조건Summary of Youth Entrepreneurship Loan Types, Conditions, and Limits 2023

The youth-only start-up fund hosted by the Small and Medium Venture Business Corporation, also known as the Small and Medium Business Corporation, is a government policy fund that is divided into five detailed funds depending on the characteristics of each stage of business growth and policy purposes. Startup-based support funds (youth-only start-up funds) belong to innovative start-up commercialization funds. After the application is received, the loan will be processed after a review committee evaluation of the business plan determines whether or not to support the application. After taking out a loan, you must receive mentoring from the expert in charge.
Youth-only start-up fund from the Small and Medium Venture Business Corporation

You can learn more about the innovative start-up commercialization fund – youth-only start-up fund (start-up base support fund) supported by the Small and Medium Venture Business Corporation at the website below.
Small and medium-sized innovation startup commercialization fund transfer link

Among the types of youth start-up loans, loans supported by the Small Business Corporation are available even if you are not a young person. These loans are divided into direct loans and agency loans. Small business owners who are about to start a business or have just started a business should understand the detailed application requirements that suit them and receive a loan.

The policy funds provided by the Small Business Market Corporation expire when the budget for each fund is exhausted, so please visit the website below to learn more.
Link to small business policy fund website

The Microfinance Startup Operation Fund Loan provided by the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency, one of the types of youth start-up loans, is a loan that lends a small amount of start-up capital at a low interest rate without collateral or guarantee to ordinary people who have difficulty accessing institutional finance due to low personal credit or low income. It is a system. You can borrow for rental deposit, purchase of livelihood vehicle (less than 1 ton), and initial operation and facility funds.

Those who meet one of the following requirements among (planned) business start-ups:
Please check the website below for more information about microfinance startup operating capital loans provided by the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency.
Link to Microfinance Startup Operating Fund Loan

What if all three types of youth startup loans above are not available? There is no need to be at a loss. In addition, you can take advantage of various youth startup support systems. Find out about the youth startup support system through the link below! I hope that young people who dream of starting a business will make good use of the policy funding system and succeed in starting a business.
📌5 types of youth startup support project cost support, 2023 summary!👉🏻

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