청년도약계좌 신청방법This is a policy-type financial product to support young people’s mid- to long-term asset formation. If you freely pay within the limit of 700,000 won per month for 5 years until maturity, you will receive a government contribution of up to 6% of the monthly payment amount and receive tax exemption on interest income.
Products we offer
You can check whether you are subscribed to the product by applying for a Hana Youth Leap Account.
Eligibility for subscription is confirmed by the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency after application. Subscription may be restricted depending on age and income (including personal income and household income).
Individual notification approximately 3 weeks after application for membership
If you are eligible for subscription as a result of the screening, you can open an account on the subscription date notified.* The period during which you can open an account varies depending on the application period. (Subscription is possible only during the relevant period according to the registration application result information.)
Those who meet all of the requirements below
※ In the case of personal income and household income, if income is confirmed during a period in which the income of the immediately preceding taxation period has not been confirmed, it is recognized as income of the previous year.
※ Please refer to the product description for further details.
Pre-qualification inquiry period
It’s over.
* Note: 180% of median income as of 2022 (based on application in June 2023, won/month)
※ For general/business income earners, refer to the product description.