직장인 건강검진 대상자 조회 Find out how to search for workers who are eligible for health checkups / Go to the National Health Insurance Corporation homepage – McLean’s beginner IT story

직장인 건강검진 대상자 조회Office workers are required to undergo a health checkup every two years from the National Health Insurance Service. It’s hard to remember this every time.
So, I can check whether I am eligible for health checkup for office workers this year. In this post, we are going to find out how to search for workers who are subject to health checkup.

Go to employee health checkup list search
National Health Insurance Corporation website

You can search for workers who are eligible for health checkups through the National Health Insurance Corporation website. If you access it through the link above, the main screen of the National Health Insurance Corporation homepage will appear like this.
Here, you can see that the menu called Search for health checkup is in the customized menu for each visitor. Please click here

You need to log in first.
login screen

Login is divided into two parts. One is simple authentication login, which is a method of simple login through various private certificates.
The advantage of this method is that you can log in with your existing private certificate without having to issue a separate certificate.

Find out how to log in to the National Health Insurance Corporation homepage

For information on related simple authentication login, you can refer to it through the link above.
Of course, you can log in with a joint certificate or financial certificate. In particular, if the joint certificate is stored on the computer, you can log in by entering the password, which is very convenient.
However, if it is not stored or issued, it is very inconvenient to have to issue it.
screening procedure

Employee health checkups are conducted once every two years. However, for non-office workers, it is said that it is conducted every year. Local household heads, employee subscribers, household members and dependents over the age of 20, and recipients of medical benefits between the ages of 20 and 64 are all required to undergo a health checkup.
You can look it up like this, but in fact, a health checkup ticket is sent to the person subject to the checkup.
You can receive it through mail, Naver electronic documents, etc., so if you receive such mail, it would be good to check it and receive a health checkup.

Go to employee health checkup list search
Health Checkup Result

If you search through the link above, you will now see these contents.
In 2023, it seems to come out as a checkup target. If you exceed the number of checkups, you may incur a checkup fee, so it would be good to refer to this part.
General health checkup information

This is a general examination. The target period will appear. When the age is reached, the above test will be performed at the hospital.
In addition, you can find a list of results of previous checkups in the health checkup menu, so you can check them. In addition, through the examination results at a glance, you can also check what you should pay attention to in your daily life.

In this way, we talked about various menus, such as how to search workers for health checkups and view checkup results at a glance. I hope this helps. Thanks for reading.

직장인 건강검진 대상자 조회
